Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Do You Really Believe God Is Good?

woman praying

The successful outcome of our lives revolves around one thing: our view of God’s nature. What we believe about the nature of God shapes our attitudes, our choices, our relationships and our expectations.The foundation of our faith must rest in this reality: God is good.

David said of God, “You are good and you do good” (Ps. 119:68, CEV). This must be our most basic worldview and our permanent mindset, no matter what happens. We can’t let life paint our view of God. Rather, we must let this correct view of God paint our view of life.

When things don’t go our way, we have a choice: to question God or to believe that God’s goodness will somehow turn it around. What we believe at that moment has the power to change everything. That’s why it’s so vital to establish your view of God as He truly is: infinitely good beyond our wildest dreams or expectations!

Our faith in God’s goodness renders powerless the negative circumstance in our life. When we know how good God is, we know the bad thing in our life doesn’t stand a chance. Nevertheless, as soon as something bad happens, many people ask, “Where is God?” But the better question to ask is, “Where am I?” The answer is: in the hands of a good and loving God. When you realize that, no matter what is going on around you, everything is going to be all right!

When God and your problem are in the same room, one of those things has to change. Since God’s nature never changes, your problem will! Good always overcomes evil (Rom. 12:21).

Psalm 27:13 says, “I would have despaired unless I believed I would see the goodness of God in the land of the living” (NASB).

Are you tempted to despair—to give up on your miracle, your marriage, your kids or your job? Are you tempted to give up on giving or in believing your breakthrough is coming? The strength to keep going doesn’t come from willpower but from the assurance that you will see God’s goodness show up.

It’s coming!

Storms surely come in life, but don’t let them paint your view of God. See every obstacle through eyes that are laser-focused on God’s goodness, and you will respond with confidence and peace. Remember, the outcome of our life is not determined by what happens to us but by how we respond. Our assurance in God’s goodness is what will lead us to respond with faith and confident expectation!

Gregory Dickow is the founder and pastor of Life Changers International Church, one of the largest churches in the Chicagoland area. He also is the host of The Power to Change Today—an international television ministry that reaches a potential audience of more than 900 million households weekly.

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