Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Break the Pattern of Unanswered Prayer

praying woman
We’ve all been told our blessing is coming. We’ve gotten excited. Preachers have promised us it’s coming. But friends, let’s face it—there are more people who don’t receive what they’ve prayed for than those who do. 
What’s the problem? 
Many Christians have prayed, tried and cried because they haven’t seen any results; they have just given up on expecting much from God. Others blindly expect the moon but have no idea that we have as much to do with receiving from God as God has! 
First Corinthians 3:9 says we are co-workers with Him. Our relationships with God should be like any other good relationship—it’s a partnership. You have a part, and God has a part. 
We can be sure God will keep His part of the deal since He is unchanging, never fails to keep His promises and is not a respecter of persons (which means He has no favorites). 
So if there is a failure and we don’t get results, the problem has to be on our side of the deal.
What we fail to understand is that almost all of God’s promises are conditional. We will receive what He has for us when we do our part. Results depend on some choices we make and some actions we take. 
I want to help you put an end to the frustration of unanswered prayer and the disappointment of unreceived promises from God. 
I often hear of ministers who are called upon to give comfort and encouragement to people who are hurting, and they simply say, “Everything is going to be all right,” and, “Everything’s going to get better.” 
I don’t know about you, but I find that sort of response is not really helpful. I want to know when! When will things get better? I want to know how! How will things change? What has to happen? 
I want to get to the point where I can say, “Things were not right, and I was in trouble, but when I learned how to receive from God, then I received and everything changed!” 
Let’s get some answers. What is our part? (This will work every time.) 
1. Believe that receiving your full inheritance from God is as important to Him as it is to you. In Acts 26:17-18 Jesus told Paul to teach people to receive forgiveness of sins and their inheritance. You see, we have all believed it’s the will of God and essential to receive forgiveness of sins, but did you know Jesus said it’s as much His will for you to receive your inheritance? We must believe it’s His will and His desire for us to receive everything He has for us. 
2. Ask God for the thing you need and desire. Be specific! If you need an unsaved loved one saved, be specific—name that person to God. If you need a job, be specific about what kind of job, how much money it will earn and where it will be located. Jesus said in John 16:24, “Ask, and you shall receive.” James 4:2 says, “You have not because you ask not.” 
3. Be sure you’re asking for the right things. James 4:3 says, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss.” He tells us that when we miss the mark in what we ask for, we will not receive.
How can we be sure of the right things to ask for? We must ask ourselves:
  • Is it good? Every good gift comes from God (James 1:17).
  • Is it in the Word of God? Can you find two or three Scriptures to support what it is you’re asking for? John said in 1 John 5:14, “If we ask anything according to the will of God, He hears us.” The Word of God is the will of God. A will is a testament—it is a list of promises that a person who dies leaves for his loved ones. When Jesus died, all His promises became legally available to us. The promises in His Word are His will. His will is not a mystery, as so many Christians have thought. 

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