Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

2 Ways to Open Heaven Over Your Life

open heaven

Do you want to be touched by the very hand of God? It’s not hard to get God to come near, but it takes a shift of focus, a change in attitude. Here are a few attitude adjustments that will help you get an open heaven over your life.

1. Take an eraser to yourself. If you’ll allow yourself to decrease, then God can increase. Make a decision, and change the focus of your life from “all about me” to “all about Him.”

Jesus told His disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23, NIV).

If you’ll practice taking the eraser to yourself on a regular basis, it will become a way of life. Not only will God draw near, but all the relationships in your life will be affected by this selfless living. Your spouse and your kids will notice the difference.

2. Make your worship revolve around God. Don’t make worship about you. This time belongs to Somebody else. Don’t allow yourself to get swallowed up by self-centered worship that makes you feel good but leaves God out. Be careful: Music that is not Christ-centered feeds the monster of self instead of helping you die to it.

Worship is not about “Jesus loves me, this I know.” Worship is about loving God with all your soul. This attitude can change your life. You may have walked into church after a long, hard day at work, but God-focused worship helps the weariness drop off and the rejuvenation begin.

Bottom line? Make your life and your worship about Him, and heaven will start to open.

We all could use a little more heaven on earth. Magnify the Lord with me, and let’s experience Him together.

Steve Gray is the senior pastor of World Revival Church, formerly known as the Smithton Outpouring. Gray is a best-selling author, filmmaker and Emmy-award winning TV show producer.

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