Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

Which of These Two Warring Cities Is Your Spiritual Home?

In our search for truth, let us examine a core truth revealed in the Bible: that there exist two spiritual cities to which everyone belongs—you live spiritually either in one or the other. These two cities are Jerusalem and Babylon. In the Bible, Babylon is referred to as “Mystery Babylon” and encompasses all that is not founded on the kingdom of God or built on the rock that is Christ. Jerusalem, on the other hand, is the “City of God.” It encompasses all that is founded on Christ and is referred to as the bride of Christ in the book of Revelation.

The foundations of the city of Jerusalem have been laid in Christ in Israel—the nation chosen to represent God, and through whom God has implemented His divine plan of redemption on earth! Everyone is now invited to enter this city through the gate of Christ—the Son of God born on earth as a son of Israel.

It is vital to our spiritual health to be able to discern between these two cities and understand their characteristics and functions, as they presently co-exist in the spiritual realm around us. Jerusalem is characterized by passionate love for God and full submission to the will of God, His precepts and His ways.

Babylon, on the other hand, can be characterized in various degrees, by a despising of God, rebellion to His will and rejection of His precepts and His ways. Babylon exalts itself in pride above God and wants nothing to do with God. Babylon represents the world’s ways, actions, motivations and desires. God is described in many ways in the Bible: as holy, as a consuming fire and the everlasting Father. He also describes Himself as the God of patience, and because of His intense love for humanity, He is great in love and longsuffering, giving much time for repentance.

God is also known in Daniel 2:21a as the God who “changes the times and the seasons.” History is His-story, crafted toward a certain end and foretold as prophecy in His Word—the Bible. God works to change and move His-story towards His end, through the prayers and intercession of His people, as they draw close and submit to His desires! Accurate and correct intelligence from the Lord and from sound sources is vital to our intercession. Prevailing intercession is essential to combat the devil’s agenda. It is imperative to note that intercession that gets results must be characterized by humility, integrity and be void of control and all attempts to direct the Lord according our will.

We now live in a momentous hour of history where God has moved in love, mercy and compassion through the prayers and cries of His people ascending before His throne. The intercession of a faithful people has united with the intercession of Christ in a move to halt an escalating season of revolt to the ways of God, unleashed through a spirit of rebellion observed on the world scene right now.

With discernment, we see the spirit of these two cities warring today in a clash of the two kingdoms. The spirit of Babylon is rising in our world and on the streets of our cities as God draws the line distinguishing the two. The rulers who are at the helm of the city of Babylon have an agenda they are determined to see realized. These leaders, comprised of the wealthiest of the world in collusion with the liberals, have the finances and the power to undergird their plans for globalism, the attempt to undermine Christianity and the promotion of a liberal worldview devoid of all restraints on morality.

Listen to the full episode of The Sound of the Trumpet on the Charisma Podcast Network here. {eoa}

Faith Marie Baczko is presently the president of Headstone International Ministries and Headstone Academy Online Schools. Faith is a prophetic teacher, bringing significant revelation and prophetic insight, to mobilize, equip and strengthen the body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. Visit her website here.

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