Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Victory in the Midst of the Storm

Do you ever feel like you are in the middle of the biggest storm of your life? It may seem like there is no way you are going to survive; wave after wave pounding against you with no end in sight. You keep trying to stand your ground but it is wearing you down. It’s getting harder and harder to hold onto the position you have taken.

I know for parents, especially, when you are believing God for the life of your child, it is sometimes hard to hold onto the promises you have been given when you don’t see any change in their circumstances. You begin to wonder if God has forgotten you.

Your loved one may be desperately sick, reeling from a bad medical report, in need of a miracle. They may be spiritually sick, walking far from God. They may be on drugs or in jail. It may be you who is facing the crisis. Whatever form your storm takes, you can be sure that God is working behind the scenes and He will turn everything around.

Your prayers are literally “life support” for them. Just like the oxygen in a hospital, you are keeping them connected to the source of life while God does the necessary surgery to bring about healing. God will always work in you before He works through you. It is more important to God who you are when you get to where you are going than where you are going, as important as it may be.

We want so desperately for those we love to be rescued, to be spared the pain and scars of the battle. We must remember that God’s Word never fails to accomplish what He has sent it to do. God doesn’t take shortcuts. He didn’t lead the children of Israel by the shortest route from Egypt to the Promised Land. But He took them by the most effective route to instill in them the character they would need to take the land and to hold onto it.

So, plant your feet and stand your ground. Trust in the power of God, the wisdom of God and the timing of God. Grab ahold to the rope of hope, God’s Word, and refuse to let go of God’s promises! You will come through this. To learn more keys to experiencing victory in the storm, listen to my podcast, Joy With Danette Crawford, episode 1. Victory, victory, victory is yours in the midst of the storm. {eoa}

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