Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

This Is the Only Option When You Experience an All-Out Demonic Attack

Several people I know, especially those who are prophetic and intercessors, including myself, are feeling the effects of what is going on in the Spirit in our nation and even in the church.

You may be feeling weighed down and heavy, confused and even physically feeling some things that are uncharacteristic. And know that it isn’t just you. Multitudes are feeling part of what is going on in the spirit realm right now. This is part of what many don’t talk about in the prophetic and intercessory realms.

I’m talking about it because I’m seeing it with many and experiencing it some myself. My husband, Darin, and I were up one night at 3 a.m. warring and declaring in the spirit … and fighting back against the lies the enemy is trying to make us believe. Can I say here how much I love my husband? He is a man who knows how to pray, knows how to declare a thing and knows how to war against the enemy.

Be aware that the enemy is riled up, and he is fighting to hold on with everything he’s got, even if it’s with a false narrative and smokescreen. He’s heard every prophetic word about this “new era” we’ve stepped into, and what is coming in 2020, and he wants us to believe and agree with the narrative that nothing has really changed. He wants us to believe and agree that we will never have breakthrough, that we will go through the same things we did this last decade.

Many are experiencing an all-out attack, and pushing through is the only option. Some of this warfare is because many are standing up for what is just and right, and standing against what is evil and perverse, whether it is within the church or within our nation. These spirits hate being exposed for what they are, because many times, they keep their power by staying under the radar and staying hidden.

Exposure is happening in mass levels, and those who are fighting the strongest for this in the church and in the nations are some of those being hit the hardest. They want you to sit down and shut up. But I say, “Don’t you dare.”

Some of the biggest changes we have ever seen are coming in the next decade, and some even in the next year. It’s not time to give up or to sit down. It’s time to fight his lies, his fiery darts, his smokescreen and even the very real feelings that you are coming up against right now. Rise up and declare with your mouth what the Lord is saying and how things will be in this new era. See with your spirit eyes, put on your three-dimensional glasses and declare what you see.

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer” (Ps. 19:14).

It’s time to bind that old Leviathan, lying, twisting spirit and Jezebel. Python is squeezing hard, but I’ve got news for him: He has to cease and desist his operation in the name of Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach!! I’m speaking about in our own lives and in the life of this nation.

We are going to need to fight on another level in this new era. The old way of fighting isn’t going to quite cut it. We must trust Him and speak His word as never before. We must be led by His Spirit as much as possible and let Him lead us in how to war against that which has set itself against the Lord of Hosts and His people.

And just so you know, I’ve read the end of the book … we win. There are more that are for us than are against us.

I am fighting with you. {eoa}

Amanda Shiflett is the founder of Prophetic Reformer and co-founder of Kingdom Life Ministries, along with her husband, Darin. She is a prophetic minister who heard the Lord’s call from a very young age. Amanda is a heralding voice of truth, holiness and purity within the prophetic, and calls others to stand in a place of no compromise in their callings. She longs to see reformation come most especially to the current prophetic movement, as well as the other parts of the fivefold ministry within the body of Christ.

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