Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

The Life-Changing Power Of Discerning Of Spirits

I think many of us can take a step back and realize that we can often be quick to react in situations. Granted, with everything going on in the world today, there is a lot to be offended about. Looking at what your family member, coworker, neighbor or fellow church member posted on social media can often bring up baffling feelings. “How could so-and-so actually believe that this is okay?” “I can’t believe that person would support that political belief; do they even read the Bible?”

Today I hope what the Lord has spoken to me will encourage you in your walk and help you to love those around you. I’ve realized over the years that the discerning of spirits can be neglected in the life of a believer and we don’t realize that the spirit of this world is prowling around. And we miss our ability to understand what is going on by judging so quickly.

Friends, we are made in the image of God and Satan hates God. As you know, the enemy cannot touch the Lord but because we are made in the image of God, Satan does everything he can to hurt us. It is so important to have the discerning of spirits to see how the enemy tries to steal, kill and destroy not only in your life and the lives of others but in the world.

A few years back, I was working at a ministry when I got a call that a man came in off the streets and needed deliverance. A team of people were commanding the demons to leave him with no avail. They called me and asked me if I would come to the conference room to minister to the man who was desperate for freedom.

I asked the Lord what was going on with him, and God revealed to me that he had been sexually assaulted and had an incorrect mindset on what deliverance was supposed to look or feel like. After addressing both situations, through the power of discerning of spirits, the sword of the spirit and a word of knowledge, the man was completely set free. He had been to numerous prominent deliverance ministries and left hopeless!

This was not a matter of who could shout at the demons the loudest but a matter of discerning what was going on with him. Satan is having a heyday in the world right now, using crafty schemes of division to tear apart the body of Christ. God has given us every tool we need to be victorious in Christ.

Are you sowing seeds of division, pain and sickness into your body by the words you speak? Proverbs 9:10 (NLT) says, “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgement.” Tune in to this episode of Awaken The Wonder to learn practically what the discerning of spirits is and how to walk in this daily. {eoa}

Evangelist Caleb Wampler is founder and CEO of Kingdom Encounters International. He has seen hundreds of thousands of people come to Jesus in countries that are hostile to the gospel, witnessed incredible miracles and regularly experiences God’s wonder. For more information on evangelist Caleb Wampler, check out his ministry website at Stay connected through Caleb’s social media on Facebook and YouTube.

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