Those of us who have experienced financial difficulties have had to learn how to enjoy the Christmas season even though our finances are in the red: a red Christmas.
Yes, it is hard to look past your own troubles, especially when everyone else seems to have plenty of money and a carefree existence. But Christmas is a good time to remember that there is more to life than money, and there is still plenty of reason to enjoy life.
Find something to celebrate. The holidays. The food. Baby Jesus. Children. Pets. Something. Let a little joy in your life, and more will follow.
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Find someone you can help. The homeless. Disabled. Sick. Fatherless. Elderly. Lonely. Somebody. You will find that your problems fade into insignificance, and you can be truly grateful for the life you have.
Find some friends to share with. Your church. Any church. Co-workers. Family. Friends of friends. Anyone. Fellowship was one of the things that kept the early church together, and it will help you keep your life together too.
And don’t forget to spend time with “the reason for the season.” It is in God’s presence that we find real joy (Ps. 16:21).
So have a little fun. It’s good medicine.
And have a Merry Christmas!
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Ron Allen is a Christian businessman who is active in ministries spreading a message of reconciliation to God, to men and between believers. He is the founder of American Wake Up Call.