Imagine you’re getting ready for the biggest day of your life. It’s like your favorite artist is coming to your house, or your team just made it to the championship game. You’d be hyped, right? You’d make sure everything was ready because you wouldn’t want to miss the moment.
Now, think about this: Jesus is coming back. The Bible says it’s going to happen, but here’s the thing—no one knows when. It could be tomorrow, next year or decades from now. The question is: Are we ready? And no, I don’t mean ready like wearing your Sunday best or knowing all the Bible verses. I mean, is your heart ready?
As Martin Luther King Jr. so eloquently stated, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Our journey of faith often begins with uncertainty, but it is through pressing in to the heart of our Lord that we illuminate the path for others, guiding them toward the light of God’s love
Here are three strong ways you can prepare for the return of our Lord Jesus that make sense for your daily life today.
1. Be Real With Jesus
First, Jesus isn’t looking for you to be perfect. He wants you to be real. If you’ve got struggles, doubts or you’ve messed up, guess what? You’re not alone. We all have. Jesus cares about what’s in your heart, not how perfect you act.
Think of it like when you’re talking to a close friend. You don’t have to fake it—you just keep it real. That’s how Jesus wants you to come to Him.
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What to do: Take a moment to talk to Him about what’s on your mind, what’s in your heart, whatever things you have deepest in your gut that you want to bring to Him at the foot of His cross. Say something like, “Jesus, I don’t have it all together, but I want to know You better.”
Scripture: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest,” (Matt. 11:28, MEV).
2. Stay Connected Every Day
Have you ever stopped talking to a friend for a while and felt the connection fade? That happens with Jesus too, if we don’t make time for Him. But here’s the good news—Jesus is always ready to pick up where you left off.
What to do: Pray. And no, it doesn’t have to be fancy. Just talk to Him like you’d talk to someone who really cares. And read your Bible. Even just a few verses a day can show you more about who Jesus is. Try starting with the book of Matthew or Psalms. It’s not about doing it perfectly—it’s about making it a habit.
Scripture: “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you,” (James 4:8).
3. Live Like It Matters
Let’s be honest. It’s easy to get caught up in stuff that doesn’t really matter. But when we know Jesus is coming back, it changes how we live. Think of it like this: If you knew your coach was watching, you’d give your best effort, right? It’s the same with Jesus.
Living ready means loving others, standing up for what’s right and showing kindness—even when it’s hard. It’s about making choices that honor God because you know He’s worth it.
What to do: This week, do one thing that shows Jesus you’re serious about living for Him. Maybe it’s forgiving someone, encouraging a friend or spending less time on stuff that distracts you.
Scripture: “Therefore you also must be ready, for in an hour when you least expect,” (Matt. 24:44).
Why It Matters
Here’s the deal: Jesus isn’t coming back to catch you off guard or make you feel bad. He’s coming back because He loves you and wants to be with you forever. Preparing your heart isn’t about fear; it’s about hope. It’s about living with purpose and getting excited for what’s ahead.
Let’s Pray
Jesus, thank You for loving me and giving me a chance to know You. Help me to get my heart ready for Your return by focusing on what really matters. Show me how to live in a way that honors You, and help me love others like You do. Please guide me to grow to be like You a little bit each day. Amen.
Are you ready? Let’s get our hearts prepared today!
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Mondo De La Vega is co-host and executive producer of “The Jim Bakker Show,” host of “The Mondo Show” and executive vice president of television programming for the PTL Television Network. With the support of his wife, Elizabeth, and their twins, Mila and Mateo, De La Vega continues to follow the path God laid out for his life as he shares his story around the world. His new book, “My Crazy Life” is available now.