Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Prayer Burdens and Alerts, Part 2

Have you ever suddenly felt deep concern or alarm for a person or situation without any seeming reason? Such experiences can feel disconcerting and strange but they are one of the ways the Holy Spirit speaks to us and guides us in our intercession.

In my last blog, I talked about prayer burdens and alerts — when the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts, telling us to pray for a person or situation — and I explained the first way this happens, which is through an inner knowing. The second way we can receive a prayer alert is through an inner witness. This is similar to an inner knowing but it is more sudden, like an alarm going off in our spirit. The Bible describes this when it says, “The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God” (Rom. 8:16, NASB). The reality described here — the Spirit testifying to our spirit — is an inner witness.

I have experienced this many times but one time stands out to me in particular. As I walked through the foyer of my home, I happened to look at a picture of one of my daughters and my spirit jumped. I felt an alert that something wasn’t right with her. Though many family photos were on that table, the alert in my spirit focused on just one child. It was a big, red warning light flashing in my mind. I knew something was wrong so I took it to prayer. I prayed in tongues. I bound the enemy and commanded him to take his hands off of my child.

A few days later, I got a message from my goddaughter, Margaret, saying, “I had a dream about your daughter.” She named the same daughter and told me what she perceived was going on. I knew it was confirmation, and I began to declare even more that the enemy is a liar and would not have my child. I agreed and declared out loud the Scripture that no weapon formed against her would prosper (see Isa. 54:17).

Then, when my daughter came home from college, I talked with her. She started crying and told me everything that was going on. I believe my prayers paved the way for an open conversation between us in which I was able to really listen and care, as well as give her advice. I am so thankful for the inner witness that caused me to increase my prayer and warfare for my daughter until I saw a breakthrough.

We have to remember that God knows what we need even before we do (see Matt. 6:8) and He cares for us so deeply that He sends alerts and burdens in the Spirit to guide us in praying for others. When He does, we need to heed the alert and go to work in intercession, declaring His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven (see Matt. 6:10). {eoa}

For more teachings and content from Margie Fleurant on prayer and intercession, follow her on Facebook and Instagram @MargieFleurantMinistries, and follow Margie on YouTube for video content, including prayer calls, teaching and events. Check out Margie’s books and other audio content at

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