Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Morning Rundown: The Only Real Weapon Satan Possesses


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

The Only Real Weapon Satan Possesses

Like many people today, I am looking at our world and watching the things taking place with concern. We are surrounded by news of wars, disease and political crises.

Many faith leaders are pointing to these events as the signs that we are closing in on the time the Bible calls the End of Days. While I agree that these are signs of the times we are living in, I believe that the battle we are in as believers isn’t a battle against wars, disease or political crisis.

So, while I agree that we need to be aware of and pray about the things listed above, I believe each of those things are the results of the earthly battle that is raging, and not the actual battle.

I’m Not Transphobic. I’m Not Hateful. I’m Just Honest

Many of us were shocked last week when The White House designated March 31 as a “Day of Transgender Visibility.” The timing of the proclamation was beyond insensitive, since President Biden’s announcement came just a few days after six people at a Christian school in Nashville were killed by Audrey Hale, a young woman who identified as a transgender man.

“Today, we show millions of transgender and nonbinary Americans that we see them, they belong and they should be treated with dignity and respect,” Biden said. “Their courage has given countless others strength, but no one should have to be brave just to be themselves.”

Biden’s message implied that Hale was the real victim. Never mind that six innocent people, including three 9-year-olds, are dead. In today’s America, we are expected to feel the most sympathy for an emotionally disturbed person who took multiple weapons into an elementary school with the intent to kill as many people as possible.

7 Powerful Benefits of Jesus’ Blood

In the Scriptures, we find many benefits concerning what the blood of Jesus has done for us.

We overcome the devil and his works when we testify to what Jesus’ blood has accomplished.

We become like those believers who are already in heaven, having followed Him faithfully all the way: “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death” (Rev. 12:11, NIV).

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