Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Top 10 Things to Be Thankful For

In honor of Thanksgiving, I’m happy to announce the top 10 things
Christian guys can be thankful for in 2009. This list is in no
particular order and will alternate between meaningful, truly important
things and completely superficial fun stuff.

10. Cheap HDTVs
A combination of better technology and a crummy economy has now allowed
men to view the world as it was meant to be viewed: on a couch in
glorious high definition. So whether you’re watching the good
(football), the bad (chick flicks) or the ugly (Gregg Popovich), you
get to see every nook and cranny.

9. Wives
What would we do without our wives? Probably spend way too much time
with our HDTVs. Proverbs 18:22 says, “He who finds a wife finds what is
good and receives favor from the Lord” (NIV). Solomon hit that one
right on the head. Our wives take care of us, they challenge us, they
inspire us to do better. They provide insight, wisdom, sympathy, love
and lots of forgiveness. I couldn’t be more thankful.

8. Fireproof
Speaking of wives, men around the country renewed their commitment to
their better halves this year because of the amazing film Fireproof.Created
by the guys at Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga., this movie has
become the most successful independent film of the past year, inspiring
new commitments to marriage along the way. I have heard so many stories
about the good things this movie has done, and I have been absolutely
blown away with how God has used it.

7. The Return of 24
When season six of 24 ended,
fans were worried that Jack Bauer had been all used up. That was until
the show completely rejuvenated itself and kicked some terrorist tail
in Washington, D.C. There are few things on television more satisfying
than watching the baddest man on TV take down evil dictators and
corrupt rich guys. Plus, this year’s exploration of the moral
implications of Jack’s methods provided a great balance for the show.

6. Fantasy Sports
Even though Tony Romo killed my team last week, I’m still loving
everything about fantasy sports. There are few things more fun than
drafting a team and following your players as the season plays out. But
the reason it makes this list is, I’ve never found an easier way to
keep in touch with my long-distance friends. It’s a superficial game,
but anything that keeps guys in community with one another regularly is
a good thing.

5. Small Groups for Men
Despite the early wake-up times, there are few things in life that can
be more important or meaningful than getting together with a group of
men and sharing your lives together. Whether you’re studying Scripture,
going through a book or just meeting for coffee, having a regular time
of the week set aside for male friendships is something I hope all of
us can be thankful for.

4. Children
one’s tough for me to write about, seeing that I don’t have any kids
myself, but it would be ridiculous of me to leave this out. Every dad
I’ve ever met would always place his kids at the top of the list of
things he’s thankful for.

3. Dads
On the
flip side, for every guy out there who’s still got a dad he can talk
to, you know there are few things to be more thankful for. There’s
nothing like that father-son relationship. Whether you’re just
discussing the latest news or sports, sharing about the challenges
you’re facing or seeking him out for advice, it’s truly a blessing from
God to talk with your father.

2. Football
What would a Thanksgiving list be without football on it? Let’s take
time here to be thankful for the thing that not only gives us something
to be irrationally passionate about every week in the fall, but also
gives us a reason to use our HDTVs—and acts as a social lubricant for
our conversations with other guys. Seriously, is there an easier way to
start a conversation with one of your friends, your dad or your son
than by asking, “So what do you think of the game?”

1. The Grace of God
As always, there is nothing in heaven and on earth more powerful or
precious than the amazing grace of God. Through His grace, God forgives
us for the little things and the big things. Through His grace we learn
about the true nature of love. Through His grace, we will get to spend
eternity in paradise, even though we have absolutely no right to such a
gift. There is nothing anywhere to be more thankful for than the grace
of God through Jesus Christ.

This article was orginally posted in New Man eMagazine.

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