Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Lives that Have Made History and Reflect God’s Glory!

A man who completes a discipleship program has a different road than the person who has maintained their walk with the Lord over the years. It’s not easy to find a way through the different religious trainings and thoughts of our day. Yet there are places for them to serve and grow! The way they must do that will look different than most of the Christian culture expects.

Men who have completed the Outreach Ministries of Alabama, Inc. program (a twelve-month residential discipleship program for young men who are conquering addiction) have gone on to work in many places throughout the United States and around the world. We know that some of these men have been missionaries and then return to the United States to work in their churches or work jobs. We have former students and staff who are working with investment firms, own their own businesses and have grown families that are strong in their faith and involved in their churches and communities.

This episode of Conquer Addiction features the lives of four men who have walked through the doors of Outreach Ministries (OMA) and what they are doing today. It talks about the differences in their ministries and how God has used them in the making of history that reflects God’s glory.

This is taken from Sonya’s view as over the years. She has seen women and men come and go through these doors of OMA in its fifty-two years of existence. She has seen so many stories of victory that to share just these four is a hard thing to do. These stories reflect how God uses men in different ways for spreading the Good News to the whole world. The stories could be so much more in-depth if time would permit!

The walk of faith is a challenge to us all. It is a challenge that draws us closer to the heart of God if we allow it to and these men have taken on many challenges that have done just that — drawn them closer to the heart of God. With that being said, we pray that this podcast will do the same for you. We want you to come to know the power of God to sustain you in your walk with the Lord. We want you to know that the power of God that changed, and changes, these men’s lives is the same power you can have to work through all of life’s situations.

The Conquer Addiction Podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network provides real answers to the drug epidemic. You can find more resources at {eoa}

Ken and Sonya Pounders are the hosts of the Conquer Addiction podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. They serve as directors of Outreach Ministries of Alabama Inc., a Christian discipleship training center for young men overcoming addictions. OMA Inc., recently celebrated its 50th anniversary as a ministry. Ken is also a 1983 graduate of Outreach Ministries of Alabama. Ken and Sonya have devoted themselves to new church planting, missionary evangelism and residential discipleship ministry in the United States, Eastern Europe, Asia and Central America for 37 years. They reside in Valhermoso Springs, Alabama and have five children and three grandchildren.
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