Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

How to Make the Holy Spirit Your Closest Friend

I was driving to church by myself recently and thinking about the Holy Spirit. I love being around people, but I also really enjoy the moments I get to be in the car alone. I am able to have some time alone with God, and I’ll take as much of that as I can get. So as I was driving, I told the Holy Spirit how much I enjoy His companionship. I desperately want and appreciate the companionship of the Holy Spirit and need time alone with Him.

We’ve talked a lot about who the Holy Spirit is and how He helps us. He is there for us in times of need, and He empowers us to love others and bear fruit for His kingdom. But the Holy Spirit wants to be more than our crisis manager and our productivity manager. He wants relationship. People used to say of Kathryn Kuhlman that the Holy Spirit was her best friend. I remember hearing that and thinking, “Oh, I want that!” And I do. I love that the Holy Spirit is there when we cry out for help, but the relationship is created to be so much more than that. There’s another level at which He comforts and encourages as a companion; that’s the best part of our relationship with Him. If we aren’t cultivating that, we’re missing out on the best gift He has given us: Himself.

“A man who has friends must show himself friendly” (Prov. 18:24a). When people say they don’t have any friends, I encourage them to come to a meeting, eat with people, talk with them and invite them over. Be friendly and, and you’ll have friends. The next line in that verse takes it deeper: “and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.” I love my natural family and my church family. I appreciate my friendships and have a deep sense of loyalty to my friends. However, there is no human being on this planet who completely understands us the way the Holy Spirit does. He’s the Spirit of God Himself in the perfect fellowship of the Trinity. He knows and sees every part of you. And He gets it.

In your friendship with the Holy Spirit you never need to try to justify or defend yourself. You don’t have to worry that He will think badly of you. He sees you as the apple of His eye. He looks at you in light of the blood of Jesus and smiles. He says, “Angels, have a look! Aren’t they beautiful? They are looking at Me!” He absolutely delights in your company.

When I first began to understand years ago that the Holy Spirit actually enjoyed being with me and was happy to see me, everything changed. My conversation with Him used to be filled with feelings of condemnation. As I began to understand the truth of what it means to live by faith in God’s forgiveness and righteousness, I was able to boldly approach the throne of grace. The Bible says, “The righteous are bold as a lion” (Prov. 28:1b), but until you settle in your heart that the blood of Jesus is enough to cleanse you from all unrighteousness, you won’t be able to have that boldness. You won’t be able to engage in your relationship with the Holy Spirit at that level of delight and joy because you’ll always be wondering if everything is OK between you.

The Holy Spirit is my best friend, and He speaks to me in all sorts of ways. If you’re struggling to hear God’s voice, you can open up your Bible and just start reading until you get something. The Holy Spirit will speak to you there; just keep reading. He is the Word, and He wants to speak to you. Write down what He shows you, and meditate on it for the day. Talk to someone about it. It’s daily bread, but very often we just leave it out there on the ground like manna that was provided but never picked up. As we read His Word, we grow accustomed to His voice.

The Holy Spirit will speak to you in ways that are unique to you if you listen expectantly. He knows what is coming in your day, and He has encouragement for you if you take the time to time in.

life in the spirit
Adapted from Life With the Holy Spirit by Katherine Ruonala, copyright 2017, published by Charisma House. This book helps you develop an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit so that you can know Him as the one who is there to comfort, teach, fill, empower and guide you into the purpose God has for your life. To order your copy, click on this link.

Prayer Power for the Week of Jan. 28, 2018

This week, use the Word of God as a conversation-starter with the Holy Spirit. Thank Him that He is there as your comforter, teacher, encourager, best friend and guide. Ask Him to direct your steps and show you what His priorities are for prayer. Continue to pray for the nation and its leaders. Remember our military, allies and those in need. Continue to pray for worldwide revival, and ask God what you can do to expand His kingdom. Read Psalm 119.

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