Wed. Mar 19th, 2025

As God’s clock inches closer to the final hour before His return, many people find themselves filled with angst, anxiety and despair. People are not sleeping well, many have fallen into depression and are feeling hopeless. These are the very days that we have been told about for most of our lives. These are the days of the “birth pangs”  (Matt. 24:6-8, ESV) which will only intensify. It is written that this must take place.

Many people are asking what they can do to help themselves, their loved ones and others. The answer? Get off your pew! You are not here at this appointed time in history to only be a “Sunday benchwarmer”! It is time now for you to get into the game. God has moved you from the pew to the field and into a playing position that is exactly where you and your unique gifts can be used in a mighty way during this fourth quarter in biblical history.

But make no mistake, this is not a “low stakes” game by any means. Rather, it is spiritual warfare that must be waged morning, noon and night. There is no halftime or halfway and there is no time out. This is the big game and the winners are those who praise God unceasingly and stand without question or compromise for the gospel.

In this last quarter, God is separating the wheat from the tares. The wheat are those from “good seed” who follow Christ, and the tares may look like wheat but are actually rye grass, meaning not true followers of Christ, but rather, Satan. These are the same two teams that have been facing off since the fall in the original garden.

Never before in history have there been 8 billion souls on earth. Our goal is to bring as many of them to the knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus as possible. This is like the “Super Bowl for Souls.” If we are now truly in the end zone of time, we must get off our pews and get out on the field, bringing as many people as we can to Christ using everything that God has given us, as a gift, to do so.

And on the day of the final touchdown, when Jesus sets His feet on the Mount of Olives, all of His team, his faithful followers, will be there with Him for the final victory, life eternally with Him.

There are billions of souls ready and in need of the harvest but the laborers are still too are few. We have to score the final field goal to bring souls to the Lord, so now more than ever, body of Christ, it’s time now to get off your pew!

Janet Maccaro, PhD, CNC, is a respected lecturer, author and radio/television personality. She has doctorates in nutrition and natural healing and is also a leading expert in natural progesterone supplementation. She is internationally recognized for her knowledge in women’s health. Maccaro is a member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association. Dr. Maccaro has written several books, including 90-Day Immune System MakeoverBreaking the Grip of Dangerous EmotionsNatural Health Remedies and her latest release, A Woman’s Body Balanced by Nature.

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