Thu. Mar 20th, 2025

Help! I Think My Spouse Is the ‘Crazy One’

“Crazy” might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you know what I mean.

If you’ve ever had these thoughts about your spouse, I’m talking to you:

Why can’t you just think like me?

Just do it the way I’d do it …

I’ll tell you my opinion if you want to know the truth.

Maybe at times you’ve felt like you were the only sane one in your house.

Recently, I had a chance to talk with one of the leaders of XO Marriage Ministry, Dave Willis. You can listen to that episode here.

Dave had some very encouraging things to share about helping your spouse deal with anxiety, how to not pass on generational sin to your kids, how to deal with an unbelieving spouse and much more.

But XO Marriage’s invaluable marriage resources were my favorite takeaways from this conversation. You can actually get counseling online at

Additionally, in this episode, I asked Dave to give me three things to immediately help a struggling marriage, and here’s what he shared with me. Implement these three steps to see a notable change in your marriage.

This summer, go to a marriage conference. You can sign up for a free marriage conference coming up in June at

This week, go on a date. Just the simple act of getting out of the house together can do wonders. This doesn’t have to be expensive, but the payoff will be huge.

Today, give your spouse a long, passionate kiss. Don’t just give your spouse a peck on the check as you head out the door, but kiss your partner in a way that means something (without expectations, guys!).

Finally, Dave shared this unforgettable nugget of wisdom: “You don’t have to be an expert, just be an encourager.”

Today, lay down your attempts to be a “perfect spouse,” and just try to be an encouraging spouse. Once you do, I have a feeling your marriage will begin to change for the better quicker than you can imagine.

For more from Dave Willis, listen to this episode of Leading Simple with Rusty Georgeon the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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