Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Don’t Be Afraid to Step Out

Until the church—the people of God—have explored all the
ideas that are in the divine mind for the propagation of His kingdom in
the earth, somebody must always be receiving new light and making new
departures, and there has never been a single instance in the history of
the church in which this has been done without nearly the whole of that
generation raising a hue and cry against it. Yet how would it be
possible for God to bring about a revolution—a true revival—a grand
aggressive movement of Christianity, without giving new light and
calling somebody to some path in advance of all that has gone before?

And what does it matter who? Whether it is Peter or John
or Martin Luther or George Fox or John Wesley or William Booth? What
does it matter, as long as God does it?

But this requires that somebody lead the way—go on in
advance. Will you be content to go in advance? Will you endure the
hardness of a pioneer? Can you bear the ridicule and gibes of your
fellowman? Dare you go where the Holy Spirit leads and leave Him to look
after the consequences?

If so, you will have a harvest of precious souls; you will
shine as the stars forever; but if you draw back, His soul will have no
pleasure in you. The Lord help you! Step out onto the divine love that
alone is able among the waves to bear up your little boat—able to make
you more than a conqueror. Oh, step out—follow, follow, follow—do not be

Walking Alone

The only thing you must do is count the cost, for the
possession of divine love often necessitates walking in a lonely path.
Not merely in opposition and persecution, but alone in it. Jesus, who
was the personification of divine love, stands out as our great example.

He was emphatically alone, and of the people there was
none with Him. Even the disciples whom He had drawn nearest to Him and
to whom He had tried to communicate most of His thought and spirit, were
so behind that He often had to reprove them and to lament their
obtuseness and lack of sympathy.

In the greatness of His love, Jesus had to go forward into
the darkness of Gethsemane. He was alone while the disciples slept, and
then He went all alone to the Judgment Hall. He stood alone before
Pilate. On the cross He hung unaccompanied—alone!

As it was with the Master, so it has been with all those
whom God has called to go in advance of their race. It was so with Paul,
and it has commonly been so with those whom God has called to
extraordinary paths. For John to have a revelation of things shortly to
come to pass, he had to go alone to the Isle of Patmos. For Paul to hear
unspeakable words, he had to go alone into the third heaven and not be
allowed even to communicate what he saw and heard when he came down. In
advance of other saints, he of necessity had to go alone.

Similarly, when God has called some of His other followers
to an out-of-the-way path, they have had to go alone. Superior love
necessitates a lonely walk.

You shrink and say, “That seems hard.” Yes, I know. The
fact remains that superior love necessitates, in some measure, a lonely
walk, because it is only they who thus love to whom the Lord tells His
secrets. If you want to ask a confidential question and get a
confidential answer, you must be on the bosom of your Master. You won’t
be able to do it at a distance.

Then when He gives to any soul superior light to its
fellows, and that soul follows the light, it necessarily entails a path
in advance of its fellows. Unless he can inspire and encourage them to
follow, he must go on alone.

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