Does Your Pastor Have These 7 Character Traits? Do You?

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Dan Reiland

Great leadership

7. Great leaders have settled their call. One of my personal blessings from local church leadership through the years has been conversation with thousands of pastors. One of the significant observations from these conversations is the difference between those who have settled their call to full time ministry and those who have not. For those who have settled their call, it’s not about success or failure, though we all want success. It’s about commitment.

When your call is settled, it’s settled! There is a rest and peace in your soul, you know who you are and to whom you belong. You know your purpose and though you may not always be satisfied, you are always content. This is the foundation for great local church leadership. This gives you and God freedom to realize your fullest potential.

Dan Reiland is Executive Pastor at 12Stone Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia. For the original article, visit

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