Thu. Mar 20th, 2025

Are You a Target for Seduction?


people who by the grace of God have never been “had” by the devil
wrongly assume that all departures from godliness are nothing but
rebellion and proofs of inauthenticity. They have no idea of the
suffering involved when someone with a genuine heart for God slips from
the path.

I don’t know how many times I’ve repeated the statement
I’m about to make, but I’ll keep saying it until at least one skeptic
hears, “Not everyone in a stronghold of sin is having a good time.”

times in my life when the powers of darkness seemed to rage most
violently against me were seasons when I had never loved God more. I was
not walking in sin prior to either of the times I fought my hardest
battles with the kingdom of darkness.

In 2 Corinthians 11:3,
the apostle Paul wrote: “But [now] I am fearful, lest that even as the
serpent beguiled Eve by his cunning, so your minds may be corrupted and
seduced from wholehearted and sincere and pure devotion to Christ” (The
Amplified Bible).

How does a wholeheartedly, sincerely, and
purely devoted servant of Jesus Christ become vulnerable to demonic
seduction? If you’re thinking, Surely there is something that the enemy
is latching onto, you are absolutely right. At the same time I will tell
you that the thing Satan latches onto often is not sin.

of us is ever sinless, but where this kind of victim is concerned, the
enemy more often latches onto weakness–a hidden spot of vulnerability.
Satan knows that weakness can turn to sin in a heartbeat when exposed to
the right amount of pressure.

I have become more and more
convinced that victims of seduction share certain vulnerabilities at the
time of their attacks. Please consider carefully this list of the
weaknesses that many Christians carry in their hearts, minds and souls.

1. Ignorance.
Without exception, the No. 1 element that sets believers up for
seduction is ignorance. Throughout the remainder of the list, you will
see signs of ignorance–things the seduced did not know.

of the high priest who served in the Old Testament tabernacle, the
writer of Hebrews said, “He is able to deal gently with those who are
ignorant and are going astray, since he himself is subject to weakness”
(Heb. 5:2, NIV). We are at great risk of going astray over ignorance and

In The Amplified Bible, 2 Corinthians 2:11 tells us to
forgive, “to keep Satan from getting the advantage over us; for we are
not ignorant of his wiles and intentions.” The apostle Paul and his
well-educated crew may not have been ignorant of Satan’s schemes, but
most of us are.

How many times have I looked at some of the ways I
allowed Satan to defeat me in the past and cried to myself: “How could
you be so stupid! You idiot! Haven’t you learned anything?”

after I was set free, I was still punishing myself unmercifully. So much
so, the self-condemnation became its own form of bondage.

last thing I want to do is give the enemy another moment’s satisfaction.
That’s exactly what self-condemnation does. Let’s be delivered from it.

2. Spiritual passion that exceeds biblical knowledge.
The Scriptures talk about the serpent getting to our hearts through our
minds (see 2 Cor. 11:3). The person described in this verse has
wholehearted devotion to Christ, but his mind still is vulnerable.

of our minds are, too–until we have a horrible scare that teaches us
to love God with our whole mind and not just our whole heart. The church
in Corinth was passionate but lacked the knowledge to provide a firm

Paul’s thesis on tearing down strongholds is this:
“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself
against the knowledge of God” (2 Cor. 10:5, KJV). If we don’t have the
knowledge of God, we are ill-equipped to recognize imaginations that are
exalting themselves over God.

We can’t have just knowledge about
warfare to defeat Satan. We need the knowledge of God! Our only means
of getting it is through an intense relationship with God through His

You might be wondering, “Why do so many godly pastors fall
to the seduction of Satan when they are constantly preparing sermons?”
Let me tell you what I think.

I think many of them unknowingly
fall into the trap of spending time in the Word almost entirely for
message preparation. Satan desires the destruction of anyone who keeps
his or her sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) sharpened by personal

He knows that weapon becomes dull once the believer’s use of
Scripture becomes mechanical. I believe that many of those in ministry
who have fallen for seduction were so busy doing the work of God that
they slipped away from pure intimacy with God.

We must remember
that God doesn’t want only to talk through us; He wants also to talk to
us–intimately. When we cease letting God speak to us, it is only a
matter of time before He will cease speaking through us.

Allow me
to offer a word of caution on the other side of this issue. Yes,
spiritual passion exceeding biblical knowledge is a definite weakness.
But biblical knowledge without a heart passionately in love with Christ
is terribly dangerous. If we are not given to godly passion, we will be
tempted by counterfeits.

3. A lack of discernment.
I am convinced that discernment is one of the most important criteria
in the devoted believer’s life to provide protection from seduction.
Most victims of seduction have not had a history of particularly great

Glance at the following Scriptures and relate them to our subject matter:

a discerning man, and he will gain knowledge” (Prov. 19:25, NIV). Those
who have discernment don’t get defensive and start rationalizing when
they’re rebuked! Instead, they gain knowledge.

“This is my
prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth
of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be
pure and blameless until the day of Christ” (Phil. 1:9-10).

God broke my cycle of defeat, I began praying, “God, I can’t do
anything to change the past. I have been neither pure nor blameless, but
would You enable me by the power of Your Word and through the filling
of Your Holy Spirit to live every day of my remaining years in purity?”

come anywhere close to my deep hope, I am going to need lots of
discernment. Celebrate the fact that God honors the heartfelt petition
for discernment and will graciously give it and more.

4. A lack of self-discernment.
David, a man who fell into sin after godliness, wrote this very private
prayer: “Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep
your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then
will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression” (Ps. 19:12-13).

this particular verse, the Hebrew word translated “error” is shgiyah.
According to the “Old Testament Lexical Aids” of the Hebrew-Greek Key
Study Bible (AMG Publishers), it means “error, transgression, sin
committed inadvertently.” It stands in contrast to the psalmist’s
petition for God to keep him also from willful sins.

We commit
some sins willfully and presumptuously. We commit others inadvertently.
The former flows from rebellion and the latter from error, ignorance and

Our weaknesses and areas of ignorance can quickly lead
to sins committed inadvertently. However, Satan’s seduction is
purposeful and utterly intended for evil. Nothing about it is accidental
or coincidental.

In the book of Proverbs, most of the seducers and seductresses were intentional in their actions. Most, but not all.

it be that some who are used as puppets for Satan’s seductions have
themselves been seduced? I think so. In fact, the seduced may become
seducers if they fail to let God radically deal with them through and

One of our best defenses is to recognize where our own
personal weak places are. We’ve got to replace our self-condemnation
with self-discernment.

5. Exposure to or experience with false worship or depravity in the past.
I am convinced that one reason the apostle Paul was so worried about
the Corinthian church is that they had been exposed to so much false
worship and depravity (see 2 Cor. 11:4). In addition, they were
surrounded by ungodliness in their attempts to live godly lives.

level of exposure can open a door in the mind that Satan might decide
to take for his advantage. I’ve heard people talk about finding
pornographic magazines in their father’s things when they were young.
Such a discovery frequently has a huge effect on that life and gives
Satan a trump card for later.

Experience can open an even wider
door than exposure. As a child, I was not only exposed to things I
shouldn’t have been but also forced to experience some things no child
should ever experience.

I tucked many of those memories as far
down in my subconscious as possible. The problem was, Satan had stuffed
them in his pocket for later.

In addition to being victimized, I also made numerous poor choices. Don’t think he didn’t use those against me as well.

God has taught me volumes, and I am no longer easy prey. Still, I will
always have to be on guard because I have a past that other, less
vulnerable believers don’t have.

If we don’t let God deal with
every part of our pasts–hurts, secrets, errors in judgment, mistakes or
sins–any one of them can be like a hibernating bear. Satan, the
prowling lion, stalks the mouth of the cave, waiting for just the
“right” season.

Satan plays hardball. When we have a disaster, we can count on his
being right there confronting us at our weakest point.

We can’t just put our pasts behind us. We’ve got to put our pasts in front of God.

very thing Satan used against me was precisely that I had not done
anything about my past! We can take our pasts to Jesus. We need Him to
take full authority over them so that they are no longer a playground
for the enemy.

God longs to let us see our pasts against the
backdrop of His glory. Let Him redeem every bit of your past, not just
the injustices but the willful sins and the excruciating losses (see Ps.

For 30 years Satan used my past in various ways until I
allowed God to snatch it from him and use it for Himself. I have given
God permission to take every one of my memories captive to Christ.

I see my abuses and sins in the forgiving, nail-scarred hands of Jesus
where He is cleansing them and transforming them into the stuff of
mercy. Now, God uses them every single day in ministry, in parenting and
in friendships.

Satan targets sincere believers through their
sins as well as their weaknesses. One of the times when Satan used my
sins against me, I had already repented of them. But I had never asked
God to heal me completely, redeem my past, sanctify me and help me to
forgive myself.

Until I allowed God to take full authority over
them, my past sins were still areas of vulnerability where Satan could
prey. Thank goodness, they’re not anymore, and yours don’t have to be,

God is so inconceivably faithful. Hear His tender voice
speak to you now. “‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid'” (Matt.

I’ve learned to give Him full authority over my past and
bring every part of it under His wings and into His possession. Trust
God with every inch of your past, present and future. Because until you
do, you are susceptible to seduction.

Read a companion devotional.

Beth Moore
is a writer and teacher of best-selling Bible studies whose public
speaking engagements carry her all over the world. She’s also the
founder of Living Proof Ministries. A dedicated wife and mother of two,
Moore lives in Houston with her husband, Keith.

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