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Special Edition April 2024

Charisma Magazine Special Edition April ’24

Special April 2024
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Charisma Magazine Special Edition April ’24

Cover Story

Back to the Killing Fields

After miraculously surviving an attack in which he saw 13 members of his family massacred by Khmer Rouge soldiers in Cambodia, Reaksa Himm swore revenge. But a radical encounter with Jesus gave him an entirely new reason to seek the murderers: to forgive them and share the gospel with them.

Charisma Magazine Special Edition April ’24


Mega Prayers

A 120,000-member church in South Korea has been holding service every day for 35 years in the power of prayer and believing for a miraculous reunion

Iran’s Spiritual Awakening

The center of Shi’ite Islam is exploding in Christian revival

Hope for North Korea: Christ’s Freedom Over Communist Rule

Despite turmoil, nuclear threats and rumors of wars, Holy Spirit will move across this imprisoned nation and set her people free

The Billy Graham of Iran

Born into a Muslim family in Iran, Hormoz Shariat used his brother’s execution to compel him to share the hope of Jesus with millions in the Islamic world. With the underground Iranian church growing more than ever today, he’s now seeing his prayers answered

Bible Reading Guide

More Articles About Persecution

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    Kathryn Krick: ‘Bless Those Who Curse You’

    “…bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,” (Matt. 5:44). One testament of faithfulness to the Lord is by how we interact with those who have wronged us. In an inspiring behind the scenes look, Jeanntal from Five-Fold Church gave…

  • Facing False Accusations? Kathryn Krick’s Jaw-Dropping Revelation on The Strang Report

    Facing False Accusations? Kathryn Krick’s Jaw-Dropping Revelation on The Strang Report

    Kathryn Krick, a rising leader in prophetic ministry, appeared recently on The Strang Report to discuss her journey and insights into the current spiritual climate, along with her upcoming new book, “Unlock Your Deliverance.” As Krick’s Five-Fold church has skyrocketed in attendance over the past few years, which Krick attributes to obedience and laying down…

  • Religious Discrimination? Christian Church Kicked Off Beach, Others Allowed to Stay

    Religious Discrimination? Christian Church Kicked Off Beach, Others Allowed to Stay

    A Los Angeles County church that has been having services on a public beach for the last 18 years is now being told by city officials that they must worship Jesus elsewhere. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is taking action against Los Angeles County after the Department of Beaches and Harbors officials…
