Thu. Mar 20th, 2025

Do you think you know who the Antichrist may be? Think again.

In a recent broadcast, prophecy experts L.A. Marzulli and Billy Crone delivered a powerful message about the dangers of misidentifying the Antichrist. While many theories about who may be the Antichrist have emerged over the years, Crone and Marzulli are raising serious concerns about the growing trend of labeling prominent individuals as the Antichrist.

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Crone took aim at the long history of misidentifying the Antichrist, reminding listeners that throughout history, figures like Nero, Napoleon, FDR and even Ronald Reagan have been falsely accused of being the prophesied figure. He pointed out the absurdity of some claims—like the theory that Reagan’s full name, Ronald Wilson Reagan, was a sign of the Antichrist because each name contains six letters, making the number 666. Crone even referenced the outlandish theories surrounding Mikhail Gorbachev’s birthmark, which conspiracy theorists believed resembled a prophetic map.

“Here’s the point,” Crone says. “All those people are dead, and the Antichrist is yet in the future, so how can they be the Antichrist?

They also debunked the belief the most common belief that President Trump is the Antichrist, pointing out that he is believed to be the candidate now because of his worldwide status.

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Crone and Marzulli are both quick to point out that this kind of speculation not only leads people astray, it can also harm the credibility of the church. These Antichrist guesses are similar in nature to the failed rapture date predictions, which have caused many to dismiss prophecy altogether.

Crone further uses 2 Thessalonians, stating that the Antichrist cannot be revealed until after the rapture.

“I’m not looking for the Antichrist—I’m looking for Jesus Christ,” Crone said, urging believers to keep their focus where it truly belongs.

Ultimately, Crone and Marzulli’s message is clear: Rather than obsessing over the rise of evil, Christians are called to keep their eyes firmly fixed on Christ and remain faithful, no matter what the world may throw our way.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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