Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

All over the globe, men and women of God have been having dreams and visions in which they are given glimpses of our future. Often, the things that they are shown are apocalyptic in nature. Of course that is perfectly consistent with what the Bible says. Throughout the Scriptures, we are told that the days just before the return of Jesus will be unlike anything that humanity has ever experienced before. If we really are living in the end times, it won’t be too long before humanity witnesses a tremendous amount of death and destruction. Needless to say, such a message is not popular with the vast majority of the population.

Earlier this week, I received an email from a woman in Wisconsin named Heather that really got my attention. After reading my recent dream about President Trump, she felt compelled to send me an extremely vivid dream that she had in December 2024 because she felt that it may be related.

After reading what Heather sent to me, I asked her if I could share it with all of you. Thankfully, she agreed to my request. The following is Heather’s account of what she was shown in December 2024.

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Dear Michael,

I would like to start by explaining a few things – I am a person that barely remembers my dreams, mostly just little bits and pieces of weird details that may come to me throughout the day. Typically, if I do remember something small, I’m able to say, “oh that makes sense because I was watching that movie before bed.” I say this to emphasize that I am not a vivid dreamer, never have been. I was saved in 2020, I am Jesus all the way, no matter what. I pray all day, as much as I can, I read & listen to God’s Word as much as I possibly can and I 100% believe that we are living through what Jesus spoke of in Mathew 24. I believe the tribulation will start soon.

When I was saved, I asked God to “show me” that He was real – and what He showed me shook me to my core. It was the most amazingly awesome and frightening thing that I have ever been a part of. I was wide awake, and He took me somewhere, to show me He was real. It left no doubt that God was real, and what He wrote in His Word was the truth.

Fast forward to mid-2024 and I had been praying for months and months – asking God to tell me if I was interpreting His Word correctly that we were nearing the end, I again asked Him to “show me.” This is when I had my first dream/vision. I will leave the details for another time, but again, what He showed me left no doubt. I only told my husband and my parents because you almost feel crazy – it made me physically sick, and the details were so sharp and vivid, burned into my memory. I knew this was a vision from God. I prayed for more clarity, and eventually I believe He gave it to me.

OK, now let me get to the reason I emailed you: I was praying for months and months asking God to tell me if I was interpreting Scripture correctly that I believed America to be mystery Babylon, I again asked Him to “show me” what was going to happen to us (I’m American, live in Wisconsin), and I had my second dream/vision two months ago, around December 2024. I call it a dream/vision because I was in bed, sleeping but somehow, I was awake and fully sensing what I was seeing, That and the details, every little detail, are burned into my memory and that’s just never happened to me while dreaming, ever. Except these two times. After I had the dream, I prayed for clarity. I have been praying every day for clarity and last night I woke up in the middle of the night, and I saw your email. Now I’m not saying that I’m certain my vision and your vision are related, but after I read your email, I’m experiencing the same urgency I felt after each dream that I need to share what I saw. Here is what God showed me:

  • I’m standing in a vast, open field. I’m alone
  • There is no sound
  • I never turn around; I’m only facing forward. Seeing from my own perspective
  • There is grass, and it appears normal. The field is mowed or plowed. But my focus is not on the grass
  • There are no trees, no bushes, no shrubs. Nothing, only grass
  • There are no buildings or structures – for as far as I can see. The field seems great, endless
  • It’s dark outside, but I can sense that it’s not nighttime. The “night” seems artificial somehow
  • The sky is clear. There are no stars, no moon, nothing
  • I look up and I see the entire night sky covered in burning embers – fire falling down like rain.
  • It seems like it’s in slow motion, but it might have been so far up that as it was falling, it seemed slow
  • I feel concerned, but still calm. I don’t move, I just keep looking up at the fire falling down
  • When the embers get closer, I can see some larger, various pieces of debris mixed in, like there has been a great explosion of everything. Everything is burned, still on fire like hot coals in a campfire
  • As the embers start to fall around me, one piece in particular is coming close to my face. When it is right in front of my face, it pops or explodes in my face and all I can see is a great flash of light
  • This light wakes me up, I am jolted out of “sleep”. It’s completely dark in my room but I am blinded by the flash of light – like when you look directly at the sun and the light/image is almost burned into your sight. Even when your eyes are closed, you can still see the image burned into your sight – this is exactly what happened as a result of the flash that I experienced in my vision, only I was fully awake now

Again, I don’t pretend to know exactly what this means, but God has been faithful to answer my prayers and has shown me some amazing things in the last year.

Joel 2:28-31 (MEV)

“And it will be that, afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. Even on the menservants and maidservants in those days I will pour out My Spirit. Then I will work wonders in the heavens and the earth—blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awe-inspiring day of the Lord comes.”

Acts 2:17-21 (MEV)

“In the last days it shall be,’ says God, ‘that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Even on My menservants and maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy. And I will show wonders in heaven above and signs on the earth below: blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and glorious day of the Lord comes. And whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.'”

Grace & peace to you,


When I read Heather’s email, it immediately reminded me of nuclear fallout.

When nuclear warheads detonate, the colossal fireballs that they create send enormous amounts of burning material up into the atmosphere. Over time, much of that burning material starts to fall back to Earth. The following comes from the Encyclopedia Britannica.

The basic cause of nuclear winter, as hypothesized by researchers, would be the numerous and immense fireballs caused by exploding nuclear warheads. These fireballs would ignite huge uncontrolled fires (firestorms) over any and all cities and forests that were within range of them. Great plumes of smoke, soot, and dust would be sent aloft from these fires, lifted by their own heating to high altitudes where they could drift for weeks before dropping back or being washed out of the atmosphere onto the ground. Several hundred million tons of this smoke and soot would be shepherded by strong west-to-east winds until they would form a uniform belt of particles encircling the Northern Hemisphere from 30° to 60° latitude. These thick black clouds could block out all but a fraction of the Sun’s light for a period as long as several weeks. Surface temperatures would plunge for a few weeks as a consequence, perhaps by as much as 11° to 22° C (20° to 40° F). The conditions of semidarkness, killing frosts, and subfreezing temperatures, combined with high doses of radiation from nuclear fallout, would interrupt plant photosynthesis and could thus destroy much of the Earth’s vegetation and animal life. The extreme cold, high radiation levels, and the widespread destruction of industrial, medical, and transportation infrastructures along with food supplies and crops would trigger a massive death toll from starvation, exposure, and disease. A nuclear war could thus reduce the Earth’s human population to a fraction of its previous numbers.

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In my opinion, the aftermath of a nuclear war is the most likely explanation for what Heather saw.

But it is also true that a volcanic eruption can send enormous amounts of burning material high into the atmosphere.

So we can’t completely rule that out, either.

Personally, I am keeping a very close eye on Mt. Rainier and Mt. Fuji in Japan.

A third possibility is a massive asteroid impact.

If a large asteroid were to collide with our planet, the impact would send vast amounts of burning material into the sky. Interestingly, it is being reported that an asteroid known as “2024 YR4” now has a 3.1% chance of hitting us seven years from now.

The risk that an increasingly ominous asteroid dubbed 2024 YR4 will crash into Earth in seven years now exceeds the threat once posed by the infamous Apophis.

While YR4 still has a nearly 97% chance to completely miss Earth in 2032, its odds of impact, which now stand at 3.1%, represent the highest risk level of any large space rock ever. Those odds may seem low, but the newly calculated probability of a collision with Earth is a new record – one that merits close attention from astronomers in the years ahead as they track the asteroid hurtling through the cosmos.

The asteroid YR4’s chances of impact now surpass the odds that Apophis once had of colliding with Earth when it was first discovered in 2004. Fortunately, the 130 to 300-foot asteroid is much smaller than the cruise ship-sized Apophis and would cause far less devastation in the still-unlikely event that it crashes into Earth.

But I still think that the aftermath of a nuclear exchange fits best with what Heather saw.

We are dangerously close to nuclear war, and on Wednesday we learned that the U.S. military had just conducted a test launch of a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile.

The Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile exercise kicked off at 1 a.m. PT (4 a.m. ET) from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, just a few hours after Russia deployed its ‘Yars’ ICBM for combat training.

The Air Force, however, said Wednesday’s launch was a scheduled exercise and ‘is part of the nation’s ongoing commitment to maintaining a credible deterrent and is not a response to current world events.’

There is a reason why nuclear war has been a major theme of my work for more than a decade.

Over and over again we have been warned, but of course most people are not interested in such warnings.

I am doing my best to sound the alarm, but it isn’t always easy.

Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and the book of Revelation all specifically tell us that there will be war in the end times.

So, if we really are living in the end times, there is no way that war will be avoided.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of the population is not familiar with the Scriptures, and so most of them have no idea what is coming.

Michael Snyder’s new  book entitled Why is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

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