Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

Why Christians Must Realign With Their Jewish Brothers Now

The book Romans 911—Time To Sound The Alarm! is not just about introducing and understanding The Reconnection in TONM (The One New Man)—it is about the body of Messiah/Christ moving into this love and reconciliation, and fully embracing it.

This is more challenging for us to contemplate because God’s family of Jewish and Gentile believers has been separated for so long now. This is most foreign to us as the Father looks to reunite us.

However, Yeshua/Jesus did tell us that the first would be last (Matt. 20:16). And now that Israel’s awakening is upon us, we must look to reconnect and realign with our Jewish believing brothers, which the Bible calls the “remnant of Israel” (Rom. 11:1-6).

In fact, it was a remnant of Israel (Jewish believers) that founded the church and took the message of Yeshua/Jesus out to the nations (John 17:20), so that all who would believe in Him would be grafted into Israel to become one with her, as equal co-heirs (Eph. 3:6). This is TONM that changed the world, moved in great love and unity, and had the glory of God all over it in fulfillment of John 17.

This is the love and unity the Father and Yeshua now want to restore in His church and Messianic bodies to prepare us for God’s end-times plans to redeem the Earth when Yeshua/Jesus returns to it. For what does Scripture tell us that Israel’s restoration will bring? “Life from the dead” (Ezek. 37:12-14, Rom. 11:15, 1 Thess. 4:16). That’s the dead rising when Yeshua/Jesus returns. So, this is now very important for us to understand and process.

You can read more about the introduction of The Reconnection message in the book, and what it will produce between us in the family of God. But as we begin to embrace this restoration message more and more, one very significant part of it is the two groups coming together and entering into dialogue to find greater understanding.


Recently, and not by design, I set up and hosted one of these conversations between two such leaders: Dr. Daniel Juster of Tikkun International ministries, who is one of the major leaders of the Messianic movement, and Jonathan Friz, who is the founder/director of the 10 Days of Prayer movement.

The discussion went on for a while and was mostly about our perspectives of the Roman Emperor Constantine, Easter and Passover, which I think you will find most interesting. But what was most apparent to me, and actually became the main reason for me writing this article, was the “Love & Liberty” between us as we conversed. I am always emphasizing the two “L’s” as part of the main fruits of a reconnected relationship in TONM. Love, honor, respect—and let’s not forget the liberty that is such a significant element of this restoration between the two parts of the family. We must come to understand in this restoration, reconnection and realignment in TONM, and between the Christian church and the remnant of Israel, that we must be free to express ourselves and have tolerance for our different expressions of the faith.

Jewish and Gentile leaders need to talk. Read about The Reconnection and watch this discussion between Dr. Juster and Friz that was hosted by Grant Berry. {eoa}

Grant Berry, a prophetic intercessor and founder/president of Reconnecting Ministries, has just completed his third book on this subject, titled Romans 911—Time to Sound the Alarm! This explosive new book is written as a study guide to carefully unpack The Reconnection message. It not only helps the body of Messiah/Christ fully understand The Reconnection in TONM, addressing many of the delicate issues obstructing its acceptance, but it provides practical ways for the church and Messianic bodies to embrace it. Romans 911‘s purpose is to unite the body of Messiah/Christ between believing Jews and Gentiles in the love of the Father to work together for kingdom purposes and goals. Additionally, Romans 911 outlines a necessary Holy Spirit-led strategy and prayer initiative to help bring The Reconnection center stage for all of God’s sheep to ultimately support and embrace its message.

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