Thu. Mar 20th, 2025

God’s Gospel Dinner Bell

Healings, miracles, visions, gifts of the Spirit, angelic visitations, God’s manifest presence; demons cast out and the dead raised—Signs and wonders are a special way God gets the attention of both the lost and the saved. When God stretches forth His hand to perform signs and wonders, the lost come running, and the backslidden repent. God is a God of signs and wonders, and when He pours Himself out, signs and wonders rain down. Often, signs and wonders point to specific aspects of God’s character He desires to highlight in a particular hour.

In the Bible, multitudes came to hear Jesus preach because of the healings and miracles He performed. Signs and wonders attracted people to Jesus, drawing people to faith and bringing glory to God. They are the dinner bell to the gospel.

Signs and wonders are also a major characteristic of any true revival. But during revival, the manifestation of God’s power doesn’t just include what we know as signs and wonder. His power also manifests itself in transformed lives. In revival, not only do signs and wonders flow from God’s glory faucet, but the revived themselves become signs and wonders as well!

Such is the case of this little-known revival in Indiana—whose pastor didn’t believe in signs and wonders. As God’s hand constrained the pastor of the church on the floor (so he wouldn’t stop revival), signs and wonders broke forth all throughout the sanctuary.

To find out more about the revival where oxygen tanks were no longer needed and the pastor flew 15 feet in the air, listen this episode of Fire Starter with Dr. Jamie Morgan on Charisma Podcast Network.{eoa}

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