Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘My Glory Will Transform the World’


Read Time: 3 Minutes 52 Seconds

On Oct. 28, 2022, as soon as I entered the Spirit, my Lord met me and eagerly invited me to walk with Him saying, “I have so much to talk with you about, My friend. Turmoil—yes, great turmoil is coming to your land, and it is not initiated by Me, the Prince of Peace. Don’t settle for this turmoil, but fight it and its authors in the Spirit. Yes, lead My troops to put a sudden, severe stop to this disruption—even before it is launched.

“I am letting you know what the enemy is planning; you can put a stop to it because you have My full authority to do just that! Declare, decree, bind, loose and worship, and what he planned will fall dead at his feet! We have loosed Our hosts to work with you and with Our faith-filled warriors. They will quickly implement your prayers, and you will see peace, prosperity and righteousness restored to your land.

“Great days are just on the horizon; launch out in faith, boldness and great determination, and no delays will stop Us from implementing the fullness of Our will: the outpouring of Our glory on the world! Once My glory falls, then you will see the immediate answers to your prayers. Just as you are encountering a foretaste of My glory and seeing your prayers answered, this will happen suddenly—worldwide—in My glory!”

The Enemy Didn’t Win! My Kingdom Is Being Populated

On Nov. 22, 2022, I heard Father say, “Trust Me with the timing for the things I am planning on doing in the days (not years) ahead. Yes, you won’t have to wait years to see My arm of justice fall on the wicked and bring forth justice for My faithful ones.

“Many who had their lives cut short are now living in heaven. They are not sad! There were those who didn’t know Me, but before they died, I made sure that they did. The enemy didn’t win! I am a good Father, full of mercy and compassion. My arm is not too short to save and to bless.

“Those who are depopulating the world have been populating My kingdom. Great celebrations are going on as so many of My children are coming home and being greeted by those who preceded them. Laughter abounds here.

“I know how to get My children’s attention. Look at what We did at Pentecost and how We transformed Saul. Yes, many turned to Us before the enemy struck them down and shortened their lives.”

The Chariot of Fire

“He rode a chariot of thunderclouds amidst thick darkness; His steed was a cherub, soaring on outstretched wings of the wind,” (Ps. 18:10).

On Oct. 30, 2022, during Sunday’s service, I saw Father, in the Spirit, driving His chariot of fire over the church. He was circling above us, high in the heavens, and gathering the sweet incense of our worship. His vast approval was evident!

As I saw this sight, I thought of the story of Elijah when the chariot of fire came to pick him up and take him to heaven—just like in this vision where I saw Father come to pick up our worship and take it to heaven with Him.

On Oct. 31, 2022, Father explained that what was coming was like the time when Elijah’s mantle was released to Elisha, giving him double what Elijah had: “This will be the time when We release double-portion mantles to Our faithful, humble servants who have allowed themselves to be trained and discipled. These precious ones will have authority over the elements, just as Elisha did when he struck the Jordan River and it parted.

“Death couldn’t touch Elijah; he was brought home with no ‘sting of death’ on him. My chosen ones will not be taken by death to heaven, but I will summon them when their missions are completed. There will be no premature deaths amongst them! 

“Just as I did send fire from heaven on Elijah’s sacrifice on Mount Carmel, and on the 120 in the upper room at Pentecost, I will send the fire of My approval to fall on the sacrifices My faithful ones bring to Me. The fire of My Holy Spirit—My great glory—will fall on their gatherings, and on all that they lay on My altar of sacrifice.”

Confirming Scripture: ”…He is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit,” (John 1:33).

For the rest of this prophetic word, visit our content partners at Elijahlist.com.

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Donna Rigney and her husband Jack are pastors of His Heart Ministries Int., in North Central Florida. They host a Friday evening service at the Church on the Rock in Bunnell, Florida. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, “Divine Encounters” and “The Glory of God Revealed,” detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the Spirit to heaven and hell. Donna’s heart’s desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, and also can be seen on Elijah Streams and as a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She has appeared frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries, with other anointed ministers.

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