Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Prophetic Word: God Is Distributing New Mantles for 2021

God is distributing new mantles for 2021. What is a mantle? A mantle is a covering or cloak. It is a drape that positions you to walk in the authority God has given you and with the spiritual gifts He’s assigned to you. A mantle is something that you carry no matter what’s going on around you or how you’re feeling. It determines your level of authority and the office that you have been called to. You must learn to walk in your mantle. Some mantles are given individually, some corporately. Today, let’s talk about the corporate mantle.

Matthew 14:15-16 says, “When it was evening, His disciples came to Him, saying, ‘This is a lonely place and the day is now over. Send the crowds away to go into the villages and buy themselves food.’ But Jesus said to them, ‘They do not need to depart. You give them something to eat.'”

Jesus turned the whole argument around. He told the disciples that they were the sent ones. He needed them to exercise their authority in this area.

Listen again. Jesus said, “They do not need to depart. You give them something to eat.” He wanted the disciples to supply the food, but all they had were five loaves of bread and two fish. The disciples didn’t think that small amount would feed the multitude listening to Jesus teach. But with God a miracle happened! Jesus took the bread and fish, blessed it and it multiped! Over 5,000 people were fed that day by just that little lunch.

This is exactly what God is calling you to do in 2021. You have been given a mantle assignment in the kingdom of God. You are a sent one; God is sending you out. You are in an ascension place with Christ, and you have all the fullness you need to bless others. If Jesus calls you to feed the sheep, to go out and help or bless others, He will bring all provision necessary to complete it.

When Jesus lifted up the bread and fish and prayed, it was as though He was lifting Himself up. The five loaves symbolize grace, and the two fish mean “double grace.” The grace of God leads to multiplication. There is a double portion coming. Notice how the fish or the church of Jesus Christ multiplied that day.

The great awakening is coming. It’s our job to tell people about Jesus. Jesus didn’t take people out of their desolate places: He met them there. So go! God wants you to carry your mantle assignment and be the disciple who takes provision to others. You will carry the Word and bless people because you are full in spirit, soul and body! More people are going to come into the kingdom of God because of this power that is inside you.

On my Manifest His Presence podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, there’s a message I would like you to listen to. It’s called Kingdom Mantles, and you can find it here. It will be a great encouragement to you! {eoa}

Dr. Candice Smithyman is a prophetic revivalist and healing minister who is executive pastor of Freedom Destiny Church and vice president of Dream Mentors International. She is also host of the Glory Road television broadcast which showcases international prophetic voices and can be seen on Faith USA, U.K. and Africa and other outlets. Dr. Candice has authored multiple books on soul transformation, healing, heavenly encounters and curriculum for secular and Christian coaching organizations. She also writes for online prophetic ministries such as Elijah List, Charisma, Global Prophetic Voice, Prophetic 365, Identity Network, and Spirit Fuel. She hosts the Manifest His Presence podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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