Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

Prophecy: ‘Bring Them in to Send Them Out’

This is a time of reformation in the body of Christ.

“Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom you believed, even as the Lord gave to each one? I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither is he who plants nor he who waters anything, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are laborers together with God: You are God’s vineyard; you are God’s building” (1 Cor. 3:5-9, MEV).

Yesterday as I was waiting on the Lord, I could hear a very old song in my Spirit.  It was, “When the saints go marching in.” I had to look it up on You Tube and have a listen. There is great joy in that song. Saints arise!

This is a year when the Lord is going to “Bring them in to send them out.”

I have purposely not been reading anything “prophetic” that is being written or said about the coming year. I am aware that it is a year of Jubilee according to the Hebraic calendar. I have been waiting on the Lord for a few weeks now, asking Him, pondering and waiting for Him to reveal what He is saying and where we are at as the body of Christ.

Last year He gave me the words align, assign and refine. I still think that this word applies for now as we are still in a time of transition. People are being moved, mantled, dismantled and remantled for the next season. This can appear quite messy and also quite “odd” at times as things don’t always appear “right” in the natural.

It is imperative that we stay in the Spirit to actually “See” what the Father is orchestrating, because in spite of the state of the World, He is still firmly in control. He is the author and He is the finisher of our Faith.

This is not a time to play church. It is a time of reformation for the body of Christ. We are called to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and that word is “metamorphosis.” In other words totally transformed from what it was or who we were previously.

We need a new way of thinking in order for the kingdom to be established, the old way of “doing church” does not apply, we have to “Be” the church. The harvest is ripe, the laborers have become tired of waiting for their “turn” in church, some have even left the field and gone off to do their own thing becoming “disconnected.” The Lord wants people to be reconnected” in a way that we are a “cohesive” body—co-laborers with Christ.

God has been speaking to me for the past two years or so about the fact that He wants to establish Apostolic Prophetic Multi Ministry hubs in the regions. These places are for the equipping of the saints to do the work of the ministry, working alongside each other, encouraging people to take up their cross and follow Jesus. They are multi-faceted multi ministry centres, a bit like a “Christian Community Centre” if that makes it easier to imagine.

This will allow those who have been disconnected to re-connect, and do what God has called them to do, with the support of others. The “Tall poppy syndrome” is going to be dismantled, there is no room for Pride or “My ministry” in this move. It is all hands on deck.

Cohesion: Noun (usually uncountable, plural cohesions). State of cohering, or of working togetherUnit cohesion is important in the military. Read more at It is interesting how the word “cohesion” can be linked to a military term.

In a nutshell, this is what I sense the Lord is doing at present.

He is aligning people into position where they will be connected, and will be re-connected to those who are like minded who want to do the will of the Father, without personal ambition.

Part of the characteristics of those ones will be that they care more about Presence than position, want to see the Power of God move, work alongside one another like Nehemiah as he called labourers to restore the walls.

They will be caring, Christ-like and committed to the cause of Christ. Cohesion, sticking together, and not breaking rank, they will carry out their task with precision and joy. Church arise; 2016 is a new day.

Linda Brown is a “minstrel” who ministers through Word, song, prayer and humor. Her ministry is the result of a life transformed by the Power and Love of God from heartache and rejection, fear and grief, to wholeness and gratefulness for the incredible healing Power of God. Her passion is to see people be restored, healed and “empowered” to fulfill the call of God on their lives. Linda has ministered in various denominations and locations both in Australia and in the USA. Visit Bill and Linda Brown’s Facebook page, “The Connecting Well.” You can contact her by email at [email protected].

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