Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Prophecy: 4 Key Words for the New Year

What a year 2021 was: a year for many of hardships, a year for many of waiting and contending for promises yet to come.

2022 is going to look different. The Lord gave me four key words for 2022, which I am noting here. You can watch the live teaching on my YouTube channel as well. I must add that I feel no pressure to release a prophetic word every year at the head of the year. I rather look forward to hearing from God each year, spending time seeking Him and asking Him for direction for the new year. It’s my honor to share with you what He has shown me.

A Year To Build and Creative Explosion

As I sought the Lord for what 2022 will look like, I was taken into a vision with Him. I watched Jesus handing out hard hats or construction hats to people. He turned to me and said the phrase, “creative explosion.”

I believe 2022 is a year to build. From what I saw, I believe the Lord is releasing an anointing over the year to build and create with Him. Much will be built, but specifically I saw there will be new ministries and new churches birthed as well as healing rooms.

To adapt to this building season, it’s imperative that we are willing to shift and change. Many of us will find ourselves needing to change our responsibilities by pulling back from some of the old to make room for the new. There will be a clear season of struggling to find your peace and rhythm as you adapt, but hang in there.

Also in 2022, you will find yourself facing the fear of the unknown. In Joshua 1, the Lord continually reminds the Israelites as they are about to cross over into their promised land, to “be strong and courageous.” I declare the same thing over you for 2022: Have strength and courage!

In response to this word, I encourage you to take some time to:

  1. Ask the Lord: What is it You are asking me to build?
  2. Evaluate what are some things you may need to shift.
  3. Set aside time to meet with the Lord and ask Him for strategy plans on how to build.

Returning to Our First Assignment

At a conference recently I had an open vision while onstage. I was in the throne room of heaven, and I saw what looked like an army of people who all had sashes worn across their bodies from their shoulder to hip. Written on the sashes was the word “assignments.” Something caught my attention from behind me, and I turned to see Jesus sitting on His knees, looking sad. When I wondered why He was sad, He responded to my curiosity.

“They have left their first assignment,” He said.

Our first assignment, above all else, is to love the Lord our God. I felt the Lord was shedding a word of caution to the body of Christ. While it may sound foundational, a strong foundation is key to any building. We cannot place more value on the assignments He has given us than on the lifestyle of intimacy, adoration and repentance. If we are not careful, we can actually make an idol out of our assignments. An idol is anything that becomes something we love more than God himself.

In addition, if not careful, we can tread into the dangerous path of using the assignments as a way to connect with the Father over actually spending time with Him. Of course, there has to be a balance of worship and intimacy, but also being light and salt to the world. Out of the lifestyle of intimacy, we are called to walk as ambassadors for the kingdom of God.

As we charge forward with our assignments from the Lord in 2022, let’s make a promise to stay intimate and never leave the sanctuary lifestyle.

After I left that encounter, I heard the Lord say “Psalm 63.” From the stage, I went and grabbed my Bible and flipped open to Psalm 63:1-2: “O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You, my flesh faints for You, in a dry and thirsty land with no water. I have seen You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory.”

What impresses me most about David is his constant yearning for God. The calling was always there on his life one day he would be king), but what He is most known for is being a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14, Acts 13:22). He was allowed to see God’s glory and power because he remained in the sanctuary, and from that posture, he reigned.

Intercessors, Pray for the Month of September

I am very careful to not release prophetic warning words unless I have really sought the Lord for His direction, clarity and confirmation. Warning words are not to invoke fear. The last thing we need is more fear released over the nations. This word is more to encourage intercessors to rise up in prayer.

The Lord highlighted to me the month of September in a calendar, and afterward, I saw static.

Once again, this isn’t to invoke fear but rather cause us to respond in prayer over this month.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12, NIV).

In response to the static I saw, which I believe to be the enemy’s attempt to bring confusion and chaos, I am asking for:

  1. Intercessors to rise up and pray for the Lord’s intervention.
  2. Declarations to be made of peace to the storm ( Matt. 8).
  3. Bind the spirit of chaos and confusion and loose the power and Blood of Jesus our restorer.

“In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one” (Eph. 6:16).

Season to Run Forward and Miracles

Finally, as I was praying for direction for 2022, the Lord came to me in an encounter. I first heard His voice say, “I want to show you something.” (This is often the phrase the Lord speaks to me as He invites me to see what’s on His heart.)

First I saw a large forest off to the right made up of tall eucalyptus trees. Jesus was there in His white robes and began to run forward. He looked back, smiled at me and looked as though he were anticipating something.

“It’s a season to run forward,” He said.

As we know, the closer we get to the return of Jesus, darkness will fight back. But there is good news!

  1. Jesus is our hope.
  2. Jesus has anticipation of what’s to come. The glory and harvest season is upon us.
  3. He still reigns above it all.

I saw those giant eucalyptus trees, which made me very excited! The oil of eucalyptus trees is often used for healing. 2022 is a year to expect a great expression of healing miracles, especially for those who have been contending for a long time for their miracle.

Anticipate your miracle coming. I don’t say this lightly. I really do believe that we are about to see the miraculous realm released from heaven as we have never seen it before. Hallelujah!

“What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open” (Isa. 22:22b).

2022 will be a year to move forward and not look back at years of disappointment. The greatest warfare you may experience is over what will keep your focus in this new year. It’s imperative to keep our eyes on Jesus, to move forward into what He has for us and not dwell in the past.

I bless you and your family with hope, strength and courage as we move forward into the new year! {eoa}

Ana Werner and her husband, Sam, have ministered in over 13 different nations overseas. They were both called by God for missions and ministry at a young age. Ana moves in the prophetic and healing gifts. She is a seer and teaches on seeing in the supernatural with Jesus in churches and arenas around the world. Ana is an inspiring author and speaker. Her transparency as she shares on the realities and experiences she has in heaven always bring Holy Spirit and the power of God into the room. Healing, signs and wonders follow her ministry. Visit her website at

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