Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

Holy Spirit Tells Chuck Pierce, ‘I Can Restore What You Lost!’

The Israel Piece Comes by Revelation

Most Christians will tell you that their spiritual connection to the Israel piece only comes through personal revelation from the Holy Spirit. It is an eye- opening experience for most of us, since the church has been in Gentile hands for so long, much of our thinking is in need of a renewal as Israel begins to awaken, and we enter this time of family restoration between the Jewish and Gentile parts of the family in the one new man.

This was certainly the case for apostle Chuck, who, at the tender age of 18 was in the hospital. In the bed next to him lay a Pentecostal pastor who introduced him to the Holy Spirit. What was about to happen would change apostle Chuck’s life forever. After that initial experience and connection to God, the pastor left, and in that hospital room over the next three days, the Holy Spirit visited Chuck, and in so doing revealed Himself to him as the God of Israel.

The Lord spoke to him out of Proverbs 3:5-8: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your body, and strength to your bones.”

“I can restore what you lost!” the Lord said to Chuck.


But the Lord was not finished with Chuck and then He began to open up his understanding to the very next verse, “Honor the Lord with your substance, and with the first fruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your presses will burst out with new wine” (Prov. 3:5-10).

“‘If you’ll give me your firstfruits,’ the Lord said, ‘I’ll heal all of it.”

Chuck Pierce says. “And in the Amplified, it says your nerves, your body and your bone marrow. Then it says, ‘I’ll fill your barns and I’ll make your vats overflow with revelation.'”

That verse so overpowered Chuck that his whole life began to be centered on this word to dissect the full meaning of firstfruits. “Now to do that properly you have to understand the Jewish root, you can’t understand it any other way. So the Lord just sovereignly took me back to Genesis and started teaching me the power of firstfruits”.

There was also a physical connection here for Chuck in the natural realm, as two years earlier, his dad had passed through a most tragic premature death and left Chuck, the firstborn child, with a great amount of responsibility at a very early age. In his father’s estate, there were 12 pieces of land, one for each of the original Pierce clan, and his dad had acquired all 12 pieces of land. And if the Lord could work with those 12 brothers/tribes, He could certainly work with his family to bring restoration. So there it was, a very personal connection that only the Lord could have created in His most unique fashion in the natural to tie to a deeper sense of this revelation and understanding together and impart it to Chuck. There were 12 sons, 12 tribes and 12 pieces of land, and Chuck thought to himself, “Wow! If you can have promises for all of these people, I know you can restore all of mine.”

From this point forward, this was to become foundational to his whole knowledge and revelation of the word of God that the Lord was the God of Israel, and as Gentiles through Yeshua/Jesus we are grafted into Israel and the Patriarchs, to God’s covenants to Abraham, and should be connected to the same. Especially now as Israel is coming back to life, the word of God tells us that we are co-heirs and fellow citizens with the people of Israel (see Rom. 8:17, Eph. 2:11-22). Apostle Chuck has known nothing else in his walk and as he grew with the Lord, the Holy Spirit has developed a much deeper understanding and connection to this theme in the family of God and the one new man.

Apostle Chuck takes first fruits right back to the beginning for all believers. To the firstborn in the family, to the 12 tribes of Israel, understanding that Israel is His first prototype nation. It’s the nation and the people to whom He gave Torah, it’s the only people on the earth He gave Torah to and the only way God’s children from the nations can be in it, is to be grafted into it.

Apostle Chuck teaches on this principle, specifically in his book A Time to Prosper, in chapter 12 (there’s that number again). Here are a few things Chuck has written on this most significant subject:

First fruits is not the tithe, it is like the very first offering, which is emphasized in Deuteronomy 26. There are three focuses to giving for Israel and the church, first fruits is one, tithing is the second and offerings the third. We can also see this through Nehemiah’s act of obedience in re-establishing Torah principles for the people of Israel (Neh, 10:34-37).

The firstfruits offering is a special way to honor God. By giving God the first of what we receive, you may acknowledge that He is truly first in your life and is honored above everything else you hold special. Specific blessings are promised for every kind of giving, but the fullness of blessing is released when we worship Him with all three!

Significance of First Fruits

What does first fruits accomplish? Let’s look at four things first, first fruits honors God as your source. It is a declaration that your blessings come from God! Second, first fruits giving to God sanctifies (makes holy) the rest of your income! Romans 11:16 tells us, “If the…first fruits is holy, then the whole batch is holy. Third, first fruits giving releases the fullness of God’s blessing. Ezekiel 44:30 tells us, “Give …the firstfruit… so that a blessing may rest on your household.” Fourth, first fruits giving opens us to receive God’s overflowing provision. Proverbs 3:9-10 promises that if you “honor the Lord… with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” This firstfruit revelation is just so empowering to us, to put back into play God’s commandments through our obedience that the full blessings of God would be released upon us, and of course this is not just in the financial realm, but every realm praise God!

This firstfruit principle can also be seen through the reconnection between Jew and Gentile, as God now restores us to Himself to complete the family of God. The children of Israel are the first-born, and as we bless and strengthen them, we will be blessed. Apostolic pastor Robert Morris from Gateway Church in Dallas, Texas is also teaching this principle to the body, which is vital to our health and well-being, especially now the remnant of Israel is re-emerging. “For as the body is one and has many parts, and all the many parts of that one body are one body, so also is [Maschiach] Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12). We must come to understand that in blessing Israel, our believing brethren must come first before the others in Israel. This is a corrected mindset to the one new man.

The fullness of firstfruits revelation did not come all at once to apostle Chuck and just like the revelation connected to the reconnection; his is not an overnight process. Many of these reconnected concepts are new to the church, and especially in these days of God restoring the fullness of His family to Himself through Israel’s awakening, it is truly a new day for the family of God. We are entering into a Romans 12 process that our hearts and minds would be renewed through the washing of His Word for His family to be one. And that in this process all false teaching in the church like replacement theology, as well as the residual influences that it has spawned truly affecting our identity would be fully dealt with and broken off and away from our understanding.

Please keep apostle Chuck and the reconnection message in your prayers, as well as the other leaders in the body of Messiah/Christ who are helping to pave this way for our Father to fully restore us to Himself and for His glory plans to be released upon the earth. For more on apostle Chuck’s ministry please visit the Glory of Zion website,

Our next interview will be with apostolic teacher Robert Heidler,who is also from Glory of Zion Ministries. {eoa}

Author/speaker Grant Berry founder of Reconnecting Ministries and Messiah’s House Messianic Center trumpets his new book, Romans 911—Time to Sound The Alarm! Grant is a Messianic believer in Yeshua/Jesus and is promoting a new message into the body of Messiah/Christ during these last days, known as “The Reconnection.” This is a new term used to describe the reuniting and full restoration of Jewish and Gentile believers into John 17 unity into the one new man now that Israel’s awakening is upon us. This spiritual transaction has been unseen during most of the church age, but is now most vital for the church to move into for God’s end-time plans. It is a power key to the last great revival and final outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Earth. For more information and a special offer on Romans 911, please visit For more info on Reconnecting Ministries please click here to watch one of the introductory videos (three minutes).

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