Tue. Mar 18th, 2025
Screenshot, YouTube/Free Chapel

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com:

Children Leading Worship During Halloween Revivals

What would you rather have your child doing: conforming to the culture and be out trick-or-treating, or be on stage worshipping God during revival?

With the Holy Spirit moving mightily across America, many parents decided they would edify their children and build their lives upon the solid rock of Jesus Christ for Halloween this year.

Revival services have continued for over a week now at Free Chapel in Gainesville, Georgia. They have been led under the authority and leadership of Pastor Jentezen Franklin and Evangelist Perry Stone with packed altar calls every night.

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Stewarding God’s Holy Flames of Revival

Shortly before the great revivalist Leonard Ravenhill fell into a life-ending coma in September 1994, he said to Evangelist Steve Hill, “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity.” When God moves in true revival, we need to give ourselves to that sacred movement with all our heart and soul, knowing that this may be something that happens only once in a generation—or even a lifetime. The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity!

Hill lived by this quote during the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola (1995-2000), canceling all his preaching engagements around the world in order to give himself to this historic outpouring. And it was from the revival in Pensacola that Ravenhill’s quote went around the world. When the Lord moves, you must seize the moment, whether that moment is short or long.

When God Moves with Divine Fire

When God breaks out in your midst in a special way—in a prayer meeting, in a Sunday morning service, in a youth rally—go with God. Spread your sails high and wide, and let the wind of the Spirit carry you. And sail on, as long as the wind keeps blowing. It may not gust up again! And even if, in the early days of a fresh move, that unusual stirring “interrupts” your service for a matter of a few minutes, let the Spirit know that He is welcome, and put other things aside while He is stirring the waters. If we prove faithful in little, we will be entrusted with much.

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Thanking God While Navigating Life’s Storm Seasons

The truth in the old saying, “life comes at you fast,” is undeniable, but it can also take on what feels like various forms as it is moving fast.

There are seasons we endure that feel like life is a fast-moving and massive wave in the ocean. It beats us down repeatedly and once we get our head above water, we are hit by the next wave, and the next wave, and this pattern continues for what feels like an eternity.

Other times life can come at us like an out of control freight train that smashes into our vehicle and completely upends us. Perhaps the death of a loved one or losing job security or any number of events that can turn our world upside down as we flip from the collision that we never saw coming.

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