Wed. Sep 25th, 2024

In an interview on Daystar, New York Times best-selling author, Jonathan Cahn, discussed with Joni Lamb the mysteries we see coming to pass right now that point to the return of Christ.

To order Jonathan Cahn’s #1 New York Times best-selling book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” visit

One of the major points that Cahn makes is the immense amount of hate that we saw against Israel from around the world after the October 7th attack from Hamas.

“This is spiritual,” Cahn says, explaining the significance of the evil spirits that come from the dragon discussed in the book of Revelation.

“They [the spirits] spread through the world and gathered the world to Armageddon, basically to destroy Israel…you’ve already seen the first fruit of it. Look what you saw around the world; it was the widest outbreak of anti-Semitism. The other thing is it was the young. It was Harvard, it’s the future,” he continues.

Cahn points out that the chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free” is more than just a merely hateful statement. He says it is ultimately the taking of Scripture and twisting what God has promised.

“The enemy takes the things of God and he always twists them,” Cahn says. “Where’s that from? It’s from the Bible when God promised the land to Israel.”

Cahn also makes the point that it isn’t just about Israel, but about all of those who have been saved and redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.

“If the enemy hates Israel, he’s going to hate the spiritual Israel. He wars against the physical one to destroy them physically. He wars against the spiritual one spiritually,” Cahn says.

Joni Lamb also brought up the thought-provoking question about what these current events mean for our proximity and timeline to the very last days.

To order Joni Lamb’s book, “Through the Storm,” visit

“What does it say to you, even the Lord interrupting you to write this [book] and what October 7 all the the things that have happened as a result?” Lamb asks.

“We’re crossing prophetic lines,” says Cahn. “Ezekiel, Revelation, all these things link together. As the apostasy is accelerating…it’s getting closer.”

“The enemy has been warring against you since you were conceived, and so there’s a war,” he continues. “He wars against with addiction, some with abuse, some with rejection some with bitterness.”

Above all things, Cahn reminds us that even though dark and dangerous times are certain to come, it is Christ who ultimately overcomes.

“It’s not just the dragon; it’s the Lamb. And the lamb is Messiah. And the thing is the dragon and the Lamb are fighting and most people put their bets on a dragon against a lamb, but the Lamb wins. You see, evil always comes like a dragon. But good comes like a lamb. It looks like we’re the underdog, but the thing is if you are with Jesus, you are going to win. You are going to overcome,” says Cahn.


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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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