Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

In a sermon by renowned prophetic voice Jonathan Cahn, he warned how the world may be closer to the fulfillment of Revelation’s end-time prophecies than many realize.

With compelling insights, Cahn linked modern events—including nuclear threats and the Chernobyl disaster—to key apocalyptic signs described in Scripture.

The Growing Threat of Nuclear Destruction

Cahn began by highlighting a chilling reality: multiple nations now possess nuclear weapons, making mass destruction a tangible possibility for the first time in human history. With global powers like Russia, China, North Korea and Iran wielding such force, the potential for catastrophic devastation aligns with the fiery judgments described in Revelation.

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Quoting Revelation 8:7, he pointed to the prophecy of a third of the earth being burned by fire, drawing a parallel to the nuclear capabilities that could fulfill such a scenario.

Chernobyl and the Wormwood Prophecy

One of Cahn’s most striking revelations centered on the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986. He explained that in Russian, “Chernobyl” translates to “wormwood”—the very name given to the star in Revelation 8:10-11, which falls from the sky and poisons the waters.

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Astonishingly, at the heart of Chernobyl stands the Wormwood Star memorial, depicting an angel blowing a trumpet—imagery directly from Revelation. Cahn suggested that this eerie coincidence may be a prophetic sign, foreshadowing the nuclear devastation yet to come.

“The fact that it happened in a place called Wormwood and involved poisoning of everything and was nuclear power, could that be a sign that these things, some of it, could come about nuclear destruction?” asks Cahn.

While Cahn warned against setting dates or making rigid predictions, he urged believers to be spiritually alert. The signs of the times are unfolding, and the body of Christ must be prepared for the return of the Lord.

As darkness increases, the light of Christ will shine even brighter through His people, offering redemption to a world on the brink.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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