As the world watches current events day by day, many believers see undeniable evidence that biblical prophecy is being fulfilled. Here are 10 prophecies happening right now that point to the imminent return of Jesus Christ.
1. Worshiping Creation Instead of God
The apostle Paul warned that people would worship creation rather than the Creator. This is evident in the rise of New Age spirituality, as seen when a female pastor at the DNC convention prayed not to God, but to “the universe.”
This is far from what Scripture teaches us, and instead it embraces the rise of the New Age and occult seeping in our society today.
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2. Scoffers in the Last Days
Peter prophesied that in the last days, people would mock the return of Christ. This is seen today with outspoken atheists like Richard Dawkins and even some church leaders denying the second coming. In one shocking moment, Dr. Ray Hagins led his congregation at the Afrikan Village and Cultural Center to to chant, “There will be no rapture,, and Jesus is not coming back.”
3. A World Like the Days of Noah
Jesus foretold that before His return, the world would resemble the wickedness of Noah’s time. This is evident in increasing lawlessness and moral decay, such as the dark and disturbing imagery seen throughout pop culture, especially in regards to music, movies and social media.
4. The Destruction of Damascus
The Bible prophesies that Damascus will become “a ruinous heap” in Isaiah 17:1. This is something that L.A. Marzulli has addressed in the past in his interviews with Charisma Media, when he pointed to gateways and supernatural portals being on the earth over these specific geopolitical regions.
5. Nations Turning Against Israel
Scripture foretells that Israel will be the focus of global conflict. Ongoing wars, rising tensions and the recent attacks by Hamas confirm this prophecy is in motion. As time moves on, we will see which nations first turn away from Israel.
6. False Peace and Sudden Destruction
Global leaders frequently use the phrase “peace and security.” This is something the United Nations has called for, which perfectly aligns with prophetic warnings about a one world government.
7. A Coming Peace Treaty
The Bible speaks of a leader who will broker a temporary peace in the Middle East. Current geopolitical movements suggest such a treaty could be on the horizon. In the book of Daniel, there is a mention of seven-year covenant made by a ruler, the Antichrist. Discussions about Middle Eastern peace efforts, including talks involving Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States, point to the increasing likelihood of such an agreement.
8. Third Temple and the Red Heifer
The Third Temple must be built for end-time prophecy to be fulfilled. Red heifers, necessary for purification, are already in Israel, awaiting the right moment. Those who oversee the red heifers in Israel are carefully monitoring the situation, believing that once conditions align, they will be sacrificed to prepare for the Temple’s purification. This is seen as a major prophetic milestone and a sign that we are drawing closer to the final days.
9. Hamas and Prophetic Significance
Some believe that Hamas’ recent invasion is linked to the prophesied turmoil surrounding Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple. The ongoing war and tensions in the region align with biblical prophecies of increasing conflict leading to the end times. As nations align themselves for or against Israel, these events could be setting the stage for larger-scale fulfillment of prophetic warnings regarding the Middle East.
10. Jesus: The Ultimate Fulfillment of Prophecy
All prophecy ultimately points to Christ. His sacrifice replaces the need for temple offerings, and His return is imminent. The question is: Are we ready? Right now, we are seeing the signs in the skies and the times, warnings that Jesus gave us about the Second Coming. Now, we must make sure that we are focused on Him, preparing for the day of this great return.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.