Christians in England Keep Revival Alive in Famous City of Bath
Renewal meetings have a definite 'Toronto Blessing'-style
Tampa Bay Gets ‘Dream Center’
The first outpost of the well-known Los Angeles ministry opened in September
Adult Theater, Frat House Became Ministry Havens in Michigan, Florida
A growing church and a student group convert dens of sin
Let Us Weep for Zion
In June 1939, the United States turned away a ship carrying 937 Jewish refugees from Europe. Most of…
One-Millionth Teen Missionary Recognized at Teen Mania Event
Since 1987, the 15-year-old ministry has sent 30,000 teens on missions trips in more that 50 countries
Wheels Around the World
Laurie Malaby had worked with disabled children in the United States for many years. But she never dreamed…
Pentecostal Leaders Convene Near Azusa Site
A triennial conference focused attention on the growth of the Pentecostal movement since 1906
Vietnamese Churches Growing Under Indigenous Leaders
In Washington state, pastors such as Giao Le of Olympia are equipping local immigrant congregations for evangelism