Joel Kilpatrick

  • Pastor Shares Inspiring Message After Leftist Attack On His Church

    Pastor Shares Inspiring Message After Leftist Attack On His Church

    Read time: 2 minutes 48 seconds Sean Feucht and the Let Us Worship team moved their New Year’s Eve party from a baseball field to the sanctuary of City View Assembly of God Church in San Diego due to rainy weather. But the night before the event, “Antifa or somebody, the LGBT community, vandalized the

  • ‘The Closest Thing to Heaven’

    Gregorio, 24, grew up in a violent home in West LA, then became a violent young man himself, committing crimes until he finally faced multiple life sentences. “I had a Christian girlfriend who would tell me about God and to read the Bible. To make her happy I would, but my heart wasn’t there,” Gregorio

  • ‘You’re Safe Here Now’

    Jenesis, 20, experienced multiple forms of abuse as a child, was raised by a drug-addicted mother, then at age 13, found her own grandmother dead of a drug overdose. She bounced around government-subsidized apartments in some of Los Angeles’ roughest areas while dreaming of being a songwriter and jotting down lyrics and songs ideas. She

  • A Vision to Restore Childhood

    A Vision to Restore Childhood

    When California shut down schools, churches and public life, it created an epidemic of anxiety, depression and loneliness, especially among young people. There is “an insane need for community” among kids, says Alexa Duerst, 26, youth and young adults pastor at the Los Angeles Dream Center. “When you’re told something is hopeless for so long,

  • Mario Murillo’s Tent Crusades Spark Revival That Is Spreading Like Wildfire

    Mario Murillo’s Tent Crusades Spark Revival That Is Spreading Like Wildfire

    Fifty-four years ago, a young California evangelist named Mario Murillo emerged as a key voice in the Jesus Movement. His fiery message, accompanied by signs and wonders, profoundly influenced a generation of leaders. Today, Murillo is holding tent crusades up and down California’s Highway 99, drawing thousands to services where they encounter the power and

  • A Martyr’s Cry

    Iranian pastor Haik Hovsepian was murdered in 1994, but his voice is still heard—thanks to a fascinating documentary about his courage.

  • A Church of Many Colors

    Church today is no longer just black and white. A wave of immigrants has created a vibrant kaleidoscope of ethnic variety.

  • The Passion of the Christ Child

    It’s a gamble, but Hollywood is betting that Christians will flock to theaters to see this year’s most Bible-friendly film, The Nativity Story.

  • He Dares to Give Love

    No other church leader in America has inspired grass-roots evangelism like Tommy Barnett. But he's too busy caring for lost people to keep track of his success.

  • A Church Is Born Again

    A Church Is Born Again

    Angelus Temple, founded in 1923 by Aimee Semple McPherson, lost its edge in recent years. But today the historic landmark is poised to reach a new generation for Christ. You know you’re in Dream Center territory when on inner-city street corners you see groups of tough-looking men with push brooms and wheelbarrows beautifying their neighborhoods.

  • Hollywood Throws God a Party

    Hollywood Throws God a Party

    Actress Dyan Cannon’s Christian meetings on a CBS backlot just might be the best show in Tinseltown. And her testimony is changing attitudes in a community known for its hostility to the gospel. The plot seems farfetched: A movie star leaves drugs and religious experimentation to embrace Christ and begins hosting Benny Hinn-style healing meetings

  • I’ve Learned to Say I’m Sorry

    Larry Lea says he has made mistakes, but he insists that his calling from God was never revoked. For Larry Lea, now remarried and living in Southern California, the future holds hope even though the last decade has seen the destruction of his ministry and first marriage. In an interview with Charisma, Lea says his

  • The Spirit’s Wind Blows in HAWAII

    Maui is famous for its pristine beaches and tropical splendor. But recently it has also become the center of a revival that is sweeping the Pacific Rim.

  • Adult Theater, Frat House Became Ministry Havens in Michigan, Florida

    A growing church and a student group convert dens of sin

  • Gambling For Souls

    In one of America's most decadent cities, the International Church of Las Vegas is experiencing renewal and helping thousands find freedom in Christ.

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