Sandra Chambers

  • How to Discover Your Prayer Passion

    How to Discover Your Prayer Passion

    It was a cold March night as I tossed and turned, snuggling deeper under the warm blanket. Somewhere between sleep and wakefulness, a picture encroached upon my mind. I saw an oval-shaped stone covered with mud, dirt and moss. But as I watched, all the dirt and debris were removed from the stone, revealing a

  • Belief in the Supernatural Goes Mainstream

    Belief in the Supernatural Goes Mainstream

    The belief in the supernatural is becoming a mainstream phenomenon in America. According to a 2012 Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life report, a majority of Americans surveyed believe in supernatural entities, such as angels and demons. These beliefs are held not only by people who claim a Christian viewpoint, but also by others

  • Surprised by the Spirit

    Ned Graham, the youngest son of evangelist Billy Graham, discovered a new direction for his ministry when he was filled with the Holy Spirit’s power.

  • Billy Graham: A Faithful Witness

    Billy Graham: A Faithful Witness

    Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared in 2005 as Charisma magazine’s cover story. At that time, Billy Graham was about to make his last stadium appearance. On his 95th birthday, Charisma looks back to honor America’s favorite evangelist. The all-night prayer meeting was heating up. People poured out their hearts before God. “It seemed we had a hotline

  • God At They Symphony

    In the sophisticated world of fine arts, classical musicians and professional artists are reaching their peers with the gospel.

  • Our Love Is Loud

    A growing number of Christian teens and 20-somethings are attending late-night dance parties--to worship the Lord and introduce their friends to Jesus.

  • Fire in the Farmlands

    In Pennsylvania's Amish country, where religious traditions die hard, a wave of spiritual renewal has hit the younger generation.

  • Washington Watchdog

    He’s tough, he’s angry, and he’s not afraid to mix religion and politics. Meet Lou Sheldon, who founded the Traditional Values Coalition to protect the country from gay activists, abortion lobbyists and any politician–Republican or Democrat–who is hostile to biblical morality. Exiting his townhouse office on C Street, Lou Sheldon hurries toward the U.S. Capitol.

  • Wheels Around the World

    Laurie Malaby had worked with disabled children in the United States for many years. But she never dreamed God would use her to bring new freedom to children overseas.Laurie Malaby dialed the number on the business card she had been given earlier that week, never dreaming that a single telephone conversation would open the door…

  • One-Millionth Teen Missionary Recognized at Teen Mania Event

    Since 1987, the 15-year-old ministry has sent 30,000 teens on missions trips in more that 50 countries

  • Pentecostal Leaders Rally in D.C. to Support Bush’s ‘Faith-Based Initiative’

    Hundreds of pastors are seeking a controversial partnership with the government to provide services to the poor

  • Storming the Capital With Prayer

    Many Washington, D.C., insiders say prayer played a key role in the 2000 presidential election. They believe Christians are effectively shaping public policy behind the scenes.

  • Leaders Call for Ongoing Prayer for Nation at Inaugural Prayer Breakfast

    A Washington, D.C., group has organized nationwide prayer against spiritual powers that oppose government officials

  • Revolution Generation

    Tens of thousands of teens and adults converged on the nation’s capital recently to pray for a Revolution that will change America for Jesus. In the pre-dawn darkness Sept. 2, thousands of bleary-eyed teens tumbled out of buses and vans onto the Mall in Washington, D.C. The humidity, still thick on the Saturday morning in

  • Christian Teen-Agers Demand Return Of School Prayer at Washington Rally

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