Washington Watchdog

He’s tough, he’s angry, and he’s not afraid to mix religion and politics. Meet Lou Sheldon, who founded the Traditional Values Coalition to protect the country from gay activists, abortion lobbyists and any politician–Republican or Democrat–who is hostile to biblical morality. Exiting his townhouse office on C Street, Lou Sheldon hurries toward the U.S. Capitol.

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Watch Your Mouth!

Real men don’t use bad language.


If you watch enough television and movies, or listen to enough popular music, you’ll eventually get the message that real men talk like old sailors. Words once considered taboo in public have now become part of our nation’s lexicon.

In his book Cursing in America, Timothy Jay says 13 percent of the leisure conversation of American adults contains cursing. As Christian men, we’re supposed to adhere to a higher standard than the rest of the world. Unfortunately, the talk doesn’t always match the walk.

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