As Nehemiah looked at the ruined walls of Jerusalem, he was overwhelmed at the devastation of the great city, but he realized he could not leave it in such a defeated state. In Rebuilding the Real You, Jack Hayford parallels Nehemiah’s construction efforts with the Holy Spirit’s work in rebuilding and strengthening the believer’s life. Nehemiah had to develop a plan, furnish supplies, encourage the people, defend against attacks, and see the project through to completion. Likewise, the Holy Spirit provides everything needed to rebuild and restore a ruined life. Hayford gives insightful, interesting analysis of the history and importance of Jerusalem and its fallen walls and Nehemiah’s divinely appointed role in the restoration. By studying Nehemiah, Christians gain a practical, eye-opening example of the Holy Spirit’s desire and ability to transform a broken life into a powerful testimony of renewal. Click here to purchase this book.