Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Prophetic Insight: Is Knowledge King?

Living in this world, we are constantly being bombarded by information. Sometimes I want to be left alone with my own thoughts. I am looking for peace.

As a dad, I taught my children that the world teaches intelligence is king. I had found that IQ was vastly overvalued. Intelligence has value; knowledge has more value; but wisdom has the most value. Scripture teaches “words” are important. and the tongue is powerful.

Hosea 4:6a tells us that “[God’s] people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” This implies that knowledge is king, as stated above. However, I question knowledge of what or who?

Deceptive conditioning in our educational systems programs us to focus on things. Have you ever heard of the “Internet of things”? Our focus shifts to things, and we focus on the knowledge of things, a “what.” The Word leads us to explore the knowledge of God, of a person, a “who.”

Where am I going with this is that we are on the doorstep of the Greatest Awakening the world has ever seen! Forget about being woke. Open the eyes and ears of your spirit man within you and become “awake” to the truth of the love the Father has for you. Seek Him out; He wants you to know Him intimately. In these last days, your knowledge of Him will be essential. So, in that sense, knowledge is king, but it is knowledge of our Father, God of all the universe. It’s about possessing knowledge of the King. It is this connection, given to us by His Son (in whom we live and move and have our being), that the power of God will move on the earth, expressing who He is through the power of the words we speak (Scripture).

When you recognize that He loves you, you will want to be connected every day with your Father. Enjoy every day with Him. Walk with Him, and talk with Him. Let Him tell you sweet thoughts He thinks about you. Enjoy your journey with your Father! Turn off all the media that bombards your soul with fearful thoughts. Rest in the knowledge that your Father loves you, no matter what you do. He could not love you any more than He does. Spend time with Him. If He wants you to do something, like write an article or speak to someone, He will bring it to your attention. He is a good Father.

Press into the truth that your Father loves you. He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. In doing this, the Spirit says, you will find yourself at the forefront of this next Great Awakening about to impact the earth. You may realize you are not woke; you are awake, and you will walk in kingdom authority and take back dominion over the earth!

Listen to The Father’s Heart with Tom Clark on Charisma Podcast Network to learn more about your Father’s love for you.{eoa}

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