Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Is Truth a Lost Trait of This World?

Does “truth” begin with God? If not, where is the genesis of truth?

In the last four decades, we have seen the nature of truth challenged and rejected.

The Oxford Dictionary defines truth as “following fact or reality.” This infers that truth is verified by that which is accurate. In today’s world, many find the truth to be a relative term.

We live in times where many believe that truth is found and revealed within themselves. This means that our perception is our reality but it does not mean it is actual reality.

The truth is we find ourselves in an age where truth is devalued under the banner of personal prejudice and bias; this includes religion and all theologies.

Spirituality and doctrine are now subjective. On the world front, objectivity and spirituality may be things of the past. Subjective truth has replaced objective truth as the primary way people process the truth.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Very few of us can deal with too much truth, so we rarely inquire too deeply into the justifications of our beliefs.”

So the question is will people believe our statements if we prove they correspond with that which is real? Often, they will not.

In this podcast episode, Pastor Thomas McDaniels jumps headlong into this controversial issue. Pastor Thomas frontloads the podcast with truth and transparency.

Here are a few quotes:

“Feelings and emotion can play a part in validating truth but can never be the standard by which we measure truth.”

“Our problems in the world can never be solved through education, technology, or science could solve our problems, we would have no problems.” — Pastor Mark Clark.

“We live in times where many believe that truth is found and revealed within themselves. We find ourselves in an age where truth is devalued under our prejudice and bias.”

“Tolerance and uncertainty have become the Kool-Aid of America. In this age of tolerance and political correctness, we are allowed to believe anything if we are not convinced that it is true.”

C.K. Chesterton said, “When we stop believing in God, we often believe in nothing and begin to believe in anything.”

I agree with C.K.; we are there.

Jump in with Pastor Thomas in this episode.

It will enlighten you to where we are on the world front. {eoa}

Thomas McDaniels is a husband, pastor, dad and grandfather. He is also a public speaker, author and podcast host. Thomas has written for Church Leaders and currently writes for Charisma News and Charisma Magazine. Thomas is the Founder of Lifebridge.tv and the guy behind ThomasMcDaniels.com. You can find Thomas on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

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