Charles F. Stanley continues his writing on practical theology and the Christian life in How to Reach Your Full Potential for God: Never Settle for Less Than His Best. Deeply rooted in the Scriptures, the book enumerates the essentials of a rich, meaningful existence. A clean heart, a clean mind and a balanced schedule can do wonders to revive an arid soul, according to the author.
Stanley grapples with the existential issues that confront us all: questions of identity, meaning, purpose and destiny. He realistically and frankly discusses obstacles, setbacks and frustrations in the believer’s path to reaching his potential—stress, alcohol, sexually transmitted diseases, broken relationships, fear and low self-value. More importantly, the popular Bible teacher inspires readers to learn about and exercise their spiritual gifts as well as to take risks-which is the essence of faith and trust in God.
Overall, believers who feel restless, adrift and stale will benefit from Stanley’s road map to wholeness in God. How to Reach Your Full Potential for God makes for a good read when considering the new year and its resolutions.
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