Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Hope for Today’s Kingdom Leaders: This Could be the Church’s Finest Hour

Our current cultural climate is deteriorating, progressively pitting itself against the church and biblical values. Poll after poll shows that Christianity in America is declining and that Christians themselves are becoming less convicted about their beliefs and faith practices.

Despite this trend, many believers hold fast to the truth that we hold the key for our world today. The key for renewal and regeneration is Jesus Christ.

Jesus Himself exhorted His followers, saying “You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world” (Matt. 5:13; 14, MEV). In other words, it’s on us to preserve divine good in this world. It’s on us to shine the Light in the darkness. It’s not an overstatement to say that Jesus mandates that we influence our world.

You likely find yourself in some culture-shaping area of influence and I encourage you — I encourage all of us — to shed the unbiblical notion that there should be a divide between the sacred and secular. When Christians retreat, hoping to leave a space or topic “neutral,” we cede ground to our enemy. He always fills voids with lies, blindness and hatred.

God is calling upon your leadership in this hour, friends, and I want to encourage you to take heart! There are reasons to be hopeful!

My friend and respected Christian influencer in governmental spheres, Dr. Kevin Baird, recently addressed the graduates of Christian Life School of Theology Global. In his remarks, he outlined three great reasons to be hopeful in these challenging times:

1) Providence — God is omnipotently sovereign and He is in control. It is He who sets up and tears down. Furthermore, Jesus is no “storybook” or “figurehead” king. He is real and He reigns. God is providentially working.

2) Paradox — God’s ways are not ours, and many things that seem impossible to us are ultimately the method He chooses. Setbacks may actually be setups for our future.

3) Perseverance — God empowers us to press through and the gospel ultimately prevails. Ours is a God who has never tasted of defeat so we can persevere. Jesus wins in the end so we can press on. The real church is unstoppable because our God cannot be stopped.

Yes, prediction models may forecast challenging seasons ahead. Nevertheless, remember the words of Apollo 13’s flight director Gene Kranz. When unforeseen complications arose and hope seemed lost on that famous mission, he was asked if it would be NASA’s darkest moment.

He responded, “No, this is going to be our finest hour.”

To hear Dr. Baird’s address, listen to the full podcast episode by visiting Subscribe to the Pinnacle Leaders Podcast with Dr. Langley to listen to this episode and others for more biblical wisdom on the areas of lordship, leadership and lifestyle. {eoa}

Dr. Randal S. Langley is the president and CEO of Christian Life School of Theology Global (CLSTG), a world leader in theological and leadership education, providing online degree programs and customized Christian higher-education solutions for churches, ministries and other organizations. Dr. Langley is also president of the International Association of Bible Colleges and Seminaries and is a founding partner and certified life coach, teacher and trainer for the John C. Maxwell Team. His desire is to help people fulfill their ultimate purpose in life and achieve their God-given dreams.

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