Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Greg Locke Releases Groundbreaking Plans for Church

Pastor Greg Locke (Facebook)

In a live Facebook stream, Pastor Greg Locke revealed the plans for a new building at Global Vision. After seeing his ministry explode in the past few years, meeting under a tent because of the influx of people coming to the church, he says it is now time to move into a new era.  

“This today is a teaser,” Locke says. “For four years we have seen the glory of God in this church in ways that most pastors would saw their right arm off to experience. So, we can never take it for granted. If God lifted it today, we’ll go down in the history books as one of the churches that has been a portal of the glory of God in this nation for the last few years.”

Locke says there is a season for meeting in a tent to see God’s visitation and a time then for experiencing His long-term dwelling.

“For the glory of God, in my hand are the temple plans,” Locke says. “I’m not going to open it, not going to go into a full time of submission and defining it, but after four years of visitation in a tent, we’ve taken the exact circumference of this building and drawn up plans.”

Locke also went ahead and confronted anyone who may be doubting if this building project is possible.

“To the naysayers, it’ll happen quicker than you think it is,” Locke says. “God ain’t got time for no 10-year building program. We’ve got people to reach, we’ve got a Global Vision School of Ministry to launch this fall. We’ve got to have a place to house the habitation of the truth of God.”

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