Says Comfort: “If it were just a matter of God’s existence and the evolutionists and atheists die and say : ‘Oh, God, You are here. Sorry about that.’ No big deal. They just say, ‘I was wrong.’ But if it’s the God of the Bible they have to face, the God who is perfect in holiness, who says every idle word a man speaks he will give an account thereof on the day of judgment. The God who says hatred is the same as murder, lust is the same as adultery, the God who says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire, then they have to face a holy God, they’re morally responsible, and they will end up in hell without the Savior.
“We have a moral responsibility as Christians to say, ‘God will forgive you your sins, but firstly you must acknowledge that you’re made by God, that you’re responsible to God, that He gave you a conscience, that you’ve sinned against Him and that you need a Savior and need to repent and trust in Him.
“We’re not here to argue the existence of God but to proclaim the everlasting gospel that changes the hearts of sinful men.”
Comfort’s obvious passion compelled him to write this book, which is a compilation of questions and answers from his conversations with atheists on his blog, Atheist Central. He intellectually hits topics head – on and urges atheists to reconsider the gamble of unbelief. But this book isn’t just for atheists; it is also a good resource for Christians.
He asks, what do you do or say for those who have a friend or family member who says they no longer believe the Bible, that they believe evolution is true? Comfort offers this book and other resources at pullinthteplugonatheism.com to “educate ourselves just a little bit so we know what we’re talking about.”
Comfort says that World Net Daily (WND), the publisher of his new book, has come on board to get this message out because WND believes “this [evolution] message is insidious; it’s actually destroying the nation.”
“If you want to know why we’ve got such a big increase in violence in schools and immorality and sexually transmitted diseases, it’s because we’ve lost the fear of God. And once you accept evolution you deal without moral accountability to God. If we’re just beasts and all we’re here for is to reproduce after our own kind, natural selection … then fornication’s OK, adultery’s OK … lying’s OK as long as no one gets hurt.
“But the truth is we’re morally accountable to God and we owe it to this generation to say, ‘No, you cannot do this because Jesus said if you even look with lust you’ve committed adultery in your heart. That’s how high God’s standards are and He’s going to keep you to them and you’re going to face Him on judgment day.'”
Comfort reminds us “that it’s the gospel, it’s the power of God to salvation and there is a way to speak to the world in a way they understand. … You learn to address their conscience. The intellect is the place of argument, the mind. And the Bible tells us that carnal mind is enmity against God, it’s in a place of hostility. So you have to learn to do what Jesus did and speak directly to the conscience. … Just learn to take someone through the Ten Commandments, ask them if they’ve lied and stolen or looked with lust and blasphemed God’s name. When they do that their conscience will agree with what you’re saying.
“The conscience is the judge on the courtroom of our mind that accuses. That’s what will bring the knowledge of sin. That’s what shows that we need a Savior. And that’s the most power evidence for God’s existence, someone coming to know Him. Because when you come to know the Lord, the Bible comes to life.”
Visit pullingtheplugonatheism.com for more information and free resources.