New data released from the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration shows that more than 23,000 babies have been born who would have otherwise been aborted, since the state’s “heartbeat law” went into effect.
Florida has become one of the most pro-life states in the nation since Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the “Heartbeat Protection Act” in 2023.
The law protects unborn babies after their unique heartbeats can be detected, between six-to-eight weeks gestation, and provides resources for young mothers and families.
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It also requires giving a pregnant woman an option to view an ultrasound, a 24-hour reflection period unless there is an emergency and she must have informed consent. And while it does include exceptions for cases of rape, incest and human trafficking, it must be officially documented.
The law went into effect on May 1, 2024, after a lengthy legal battle in which Florida’s Supreme Court ruled 6-1 that there is no right to abortion in the Florida Constitution. The “Heartbeat Protection Act” went into effect alongside the state’s 15-week abortion ban.
The law includes the same exceptions from the 15-week ban for preserving the life of the mother, which includes ectopic pregnancies; fatal abnormalities where the unborn baby is not expected to survive outside the womb; and to “avert a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical impairment or a major bodily function of the pregnant woman other than a psychological condition.”
Florida was once a prime destination for women seeking an abortion in the South. Many of its neighboring states already had protections in place for unborn babies, however, since the legislation went into place non-Florida residents traveling from out of state for an abortion fell significantly in 2024 – almost 51% – Liberty Counsel, a non-profit legal group, reports.
“The news of fewer abortions in Florida, previously an abortion destination state, is evident that pro-life laws are saving lives and protecting women. Pro-life laws will only continue to bear fruit and we must continue to affirm everyone’s inalienable right to life whether born or unborn,” Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said.
The “Heartbeat Protection Act” has also provided $30 million in reoccurring state funding to support pregnant women and their families with clothing, cribs, car seats, and more.
To read the full story, please visit our content partners at CBN News.
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