Sayers | Thomas Nelson
Sayers, pastor of Red East Church in Melbourne, Australia, confronts
the idols of the 21st century in The
Vertical Self: How Biblical Faith Can Help Us Discover Who We Are in
an Age of Self-Obsession.
Sayers focuses on such masks and diversions as sex, power, fame,
image and coolness. Most important, he distinguishes between the
horizontal life and the vertical life.
horizontal life is marked by a focus on such values as self, status
and image; conversely, the vertical self embodies growth, holiness
and community, among other ideals.
Sayers has included helpful
charts, lists, diagrams and an interactive study guide to flesh out
his major themes of the false self and true self.
Vertical Self is no
panacea or quick fix. The author clearly articulates that the path to
shalom (peace),
balance and holiness is a journey. Readers of literature on the
spiritual disciplines will enjoy this book since it emphasizes growth
and transformation. Though Sayers specializes in youth discipleship,
The Vertical Self
is appropriate for teenagers as well as adults. —C. Brian Smith
here to purchase this book.