Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

HEIDI BAKER: Say Yes to God’s Promises

woman praising

Spiritual Abortion
The Lord spoke to me recently about the church and said, “No more abortions.” No more aborting His promises or prophetic words.

No more aborting what God has placed inside us.

He told me to ask the church: “‘Who will carry that which I’ve placed within them to full term? Who will allow Me to stretch them and break them and mold them and cause them to be inconvenienced? Who will allow Me to utterly transform their lives by the shape of the promise within them?'”

I hope and pray you will. I believe carrying a prophetic word is like being pregnant with a baby: The way you walk, talk, move, everything is totally transformed. That has been my experience. It was Mary’s experience too.

The angel told Mary that she was “highly favored.” What did that mean? It meant that her life was about to get seriously hijacked by God.

The angel said: “Don’t be afraid. Everything is going to be OK.”

I can imagine Mary’s response: “Sure, that’s easy for you to say. You’re an angel. I’m a virgin teenage girl.

“How am I going to explain this to my parents? How am I going to explain it to my fiance? I can’t just tell them, ‘An angel came, and now I’m pregnant. Rejoice with me!'”

Could she have said no to God’s plan? The answer depends on your theology. But let’s assume that she had that option.

She could have said: “That’s all very nice. You’re an awesome-looking angel. You’re terrifyingly beautiful.

“But I’m a virgin, and I don’t like your good news. Please find another girl, and go tell your news to her.”

That’s how many of us respond when God shows up in our lives: “Find somebody else, please.” Or we say, “Yes!” in the excitement of worship on Sunday. But then Monday comes. What happens when we find ourselves “pregnant” on Monday?

Will you nurture what God has placed within you? Will you pay the price? Will you give everything you have to bring God’s vision to full term?

Waiting is the hardest part. Sometimes you get so uncomfortable, so inconvenienced, that you want to say, “Please, God! Get rid of it. I can’t do this anymore.

“I can’t walk this walk. It’s too heavy, too hard. Give it to somebody else.”

Do you know how God responds? He says: “You asked Me in worship to overshadow you. You went in to that intimate place, and you said, ‘Come,’ and I came.

“Now don’t you want what I gave to you? Don’t you want what I put inside you? Won’t you carry this promise for love’s sake?”

There’s a prophetic connection between abortion in the church and abortion in the world. You see, the world is aborting babies because women don’t want to be inconvenienced with that which causes them pain, financial responsibility or reproach. They don’t want to pay the price of carrying the child to term.

Many of us do the same thing with the promises and prophetic words of God. We say, “Yes!” in the excitement and intimacy of worship and then go out and abort what God has asked us to carry.

God doesn’t like abortion. It breaks His heart. He wants to see His dreams and visions come to pass in our lives—not only because they bless us, but also because they bring His glory to a lost world.

‘Be It Unto Me’
Mary was an obedient lover. What set her apart? Was she stunning, capable, gorgeous? Probably not. But she was obedient. And that obedience was greater than any sacrifice.

She was just a teenage girl who was worshiping and loving God. When God’s eyes searched the whole earth looking for a heart that was His, He stopped one day with Mary.She was obedient to the Master.

God said: “I can use her. I can overshadow this little girl. I can use her to carry My Son.”

And she said, “Be it unto me according to Thy word” (Luke 1:38, KJV).

Do you know that God can use anyone? He’s just looking for someone who will say, like Mary, “Be it unto me.”

All I am is an obedient lover. There is no more “no” in me. My heart’s cry, like Mary’s, is “Be it unto me.” That’s what I still say to God every day.

We often complicate the Christian faith. My prayer is simple: “Be it unto me.

“Possess me, Holy Spirit. Let me carry what You have placed within me this day. I love You, Holy Spirit. I worship You. Be it unto me.”

God is looking for people who will be utterly possessed by His presence. He is looking for people He can overshadow with His intimate love, into whom He can place His seed and breathe His life.

When we allow the Holy Spirit to overshadow us, it is an act of intimacy. And what is the result of that intimacy? Fruitfulness. All fruitfulness flows from intimacy. God has predestined each of us to bear much fruit (see John 15:16).

In Mary’s case, because she said, “Be it unto me,” she bore the Son of the most high God. She became the mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ. That was her fruit. If you allow God’s Holy Spirit to overshadow you and place His seed—His vision, His prophetic word—within you, then you will bear much fruit too.

But the only way to bear that fruit is through yielded love. You can’t make fruit happen. It’s naturally impossible.

You can’t make a prophetic word come to pass. It doesn’t matter how long you intercede. It doesn’t matter how hard you bang a pulpit. It doesn’t matter how many days and nights you fast.

No, fruitfulness comes only through intimacy. You allow yourself to be overshadowed by God’s love, and then you carry the promise. You carry the seed to full term. You nurture that which God has placed within you.

Do you think Mary took credit for carrying Jesus? Do you think she said: “Look what I have done. I have produced the Son of God”?

Of course not. She didn’t produce the Son of God. She simply said, “Be it unto me.”

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