
My Bangs Look Good &
Other Lies I Tell Myself,
Susanna Foth Aughtmon reflects on the lies she has believed that have
hindered her spiritual walk. Geared toward young-adult women, the
book shares the author’s own journey of how she came to know the
truth about God.
examines many misunderstandings about God, such as the idea that He
is vengeful, that He owes His children something or that He cannot
hear those who cry out to Him.
Disputing these myths, she points to
the truth, sharing many inspiring stories such as the story of Mary
who was visited at a young age and told the most outlandish thing she
had ever heard. In spite of how absurd the words of the angel seemed
to be, Mary accepted them in obedience and faith.
is an encouraging book for young women seeking to push past the myths
that have bogged down their Christian walk and step into a
faith-filled life.
here to purchase this