“Charisma continues to be a relevant, crucial tool for the Christian community.”
Compelling From the Start
What a great publication! I walked into my office, and the May 2012 issue grabbed my attention before I could walk around my desk; I had to know what Reinhard Bonnke said about the anointing. I have a daughter myself, so the article “How to Raise a Superstar” (by Kate Battistelli) was intriguing. Charisma continues to be a relevant, crucial tool for the Christian community in the United States.
Christ-Like Compassion
Thanks to J. Lee Grady for having the courage to speak out with the article “Mi Casa Es Tu Casa” (May). When I think of the words in Matthew 25:35, “I was a stranger and you took me in,” Jesus gives a compelling message on how we treat the foreigner and alien. Thanks, Brother Grady, for stating it so well.
Parenting Pressure
Regarding the article “How to Raise a Superstar,” I was shocked at the brazenness of the title and had to ask the question: “Has Charisma given it this title to purposely pull in more people to buy the magazine?” We live in an age where the peer pressure is immense on children to become mini-adults before their time. What happened to children being allowed to be children and enjoy their early years without the pressure of having to perform and live up to an agenda that is set for them? I think Charisma has piled further pressure on already exhausted parents.
How Would Paul Vote?
In “How to Restore America” (May), James Robison and Jay W. Richards write, “We need to follow the example of the apostle Paul.” Yes, Paul preached the gospel. But he did not get involved in politics, despite there being the most corrupt government imaginable in his time. He didn’t call for boycotts, rallies, “days of prayer” or anything else; he simply preached and lived the gospel. The constant letter-writing campaigns, boycotts, “repentance” rallies, etc., that Christians are encouraged to support are such a distraction and Paul would be dismayed.