repeal ObamaCare, says Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American
Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). Representing the Washington-based
constitutional law firm, which focuses on preserving religious liberties,
he says voters sent a powerful message to the Obama administration on Nov.
2. The results of the midterm
elections, he says, indicate Americans have rejected the president’s agenda and
signaled a need to repeal the health care law. Sekulow outlines his thoughts
“The outcome of this election underscores the fact
that most Americans don’t believe this country is on the right track and want a
change from President Obama’s failed policies of the past two years. In addition
to jobs and taxes, voters
sent a powerful message about ObamaCare, the government-run, pro-abortion health
care law forced on the American people.
“This election was fueled by voters who were
concerned less about party labels and more about troubled policies.
Most Americans have said they want
ObamaCare repealed. And, now with a sweeping change in Congress, it’s time to
do just that. The fact is with the outcome of this election–along with growing opposition to ObamaCare–this is the perfect time to act legislatively and
repeal the health care law.
“We have started a nationwide petition campaign to
demand that the new Congress repeal ObamaCare. We expect to hear from thousands of constitutional
conservatives and others who certainly want health care reform–but believe that ObamaCare is not the reform that
America needs or deserves.”
In addition to legislative
efforts, the ACLJ has filed a lawsuit in federal court in Washington,
D.C., on behalf of five taxpayers challenging the
constitutionality of the federal health care law.
In support of other legal
challenges to ObamaCare, the ACLJ has filed an amicus brief in Virginia’s legal challenge of the
health care law, representing 28 members of Congress and more than 70,000
Americans. The ACLJ will soon file an amicus brief supporting Florida’s legal
by Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow, the American Center for Law and Justice focuses on
constitutional law and is based in Washington, D.C.